Is It Legal to Smoke Marijuana Without a Medical Prescription?

Question by goetjens: Is It legal to smoke marijuana without a medical prescription?
I was at school, and some people in my gym class were talking about stupid challenges (like the cinnamon challenge) and eventually got to the topic of marijuana. from my knowledge, marijuana is illegal, with the exception of a medical prescription. But what they were saying is that it is totally legal, even UNDERAGE. They are saying that there is no risk whatsoever, and saying that it is a great stress reliever, and saying that they have friends that smoke it underage. Now; I TOTALLY disagree with this, and will never consume drugs. What is the real answer? I just cant believe what they are saying. I know it can be different in different states. The state that I am concerned of is Michigan. Thanks.
Can I have an answer that tells me a bit more?
Like I said Mr. Fluffles, I intend to NEVER consume drugs, or marijuana.
Call Sign: Helio, It is marijuana, not weed. It doesn’t matter how many time’s somebody tries to convince me. I WILL NEVER DO DRUGS. I can pass plenty of courses/classes without drugs. Thank you very much.

Best answer:

Answer by Camila Ramos

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9 Responses to Is It Legal to Smoke Marijuana Without a Medical Prescription?

  • Sab says:

    Yes it’s illegal without a prescription with that prescription it’s not illegal no more.

  • Thomas says:

    as long as you smoke/eat it in your own house marijuana has been proven to be rather good for your body but it can cause phychosis and/or paranoia

  • Blondie says:

    It is illegal without a prescription, except in Colorado and Washington in the USA.

  • Mr. Fluffles says:

    No. However Colorado and Washington legally allow you to smoke marijuana for recreational use if you are over the age of 21. Marijuana is not a drug though, it;s a plant.It;s impossible to overdose and cannot kill you, If you wanna smoke it go ahead, but you are in charge of getting caught.

  • Mr. Smartypants says:

    Several US states have made marijuana legal for medical use. (This is NOT by -prescription-. Doctors are still not allowed to prescribe marijuana, only to ‘recommend’ it). And two states have made pot legal for ‘recreational’ use, that is, you can smoke it for any reason, just for fun. BUT it’s still illegal at a federal level.

    Marijuana has never been shown to be dangerous. People don’t go crazy on it. It’s not a ‘gateway drug’ that leads to addiction to harder drugs. It’s not addictive in itself. It’s never been tied to a single case of cancer or emphysema or COPD. There’s really no reason it should have been made illegal in the first place, that was more a matter of politics than public health. How it was made illegal, and why it remains so, is a long and interesting story, but that’s a different answer to a different question.

    Even so, some of us ‘adults’ feel a little funny about kids smoking it as young as 12 or 14. If I had kids (which I don’t) I would want them to stay away from it until they were 18 or so, until they were ‘adult’ enough to be trusted with decisions. Just like tobacco, alcohol, sex, tattoos, cars motorcycles, etc.etc., decisions we don’t trust kids with. I’d want my own kids to be allowed to make their own decisions, as soon as I felt they were capable of that, and I guess it’s not really strictly a matter of age but of maturity.

    Pot IS a good stress reliever. As a ‘recreational’ or ‘social’ drug it beats alcohol in every way. You can’t smoke yourself into unconsciousness or destroy your liver or ruin your life. So in that way your friends are right.

  • Call Sign: Helio says:

    They’re being idiots.

    It’s a federal offense. Unless you have a 215 Card in California, or you live in Washington or Colorado, it’s illegal.

    That being said, there is nothing wrong with doing weed until you’re of proper age (18). You should try it some day, kid. It’s definitely a stress reliever and has helped me pass university exams like Calculus III and Physics.

  • . says:

    Colorado and Washington state voted to legalize recreational marijuana. I do not know for sure what they did on age requirements but I assume its the same as alcohol.

    You already consume drugs, you have just been socialized to not call them drugs. Dig through your diet. There is a lot more mood altering and addictive substances there than most people realize.

    Marijuana is clearly not without risk. However, I believe drugs are a lot like sex. Its always gonna happen. Assuming kids are always going to do drugs, I would rather legalize marijuana and let them use marijuana safely, than continue prescribing medical grade meth and speed, than for them to continue to down bottles of nyquil for their high, that they not trade around their parents narcotic rx’es at school, that they try to read their way through a synthesis that 5 years above their chemistry level and end up blowing up their house, than going to the party where they will drink alcohol,. something many parents have openly let their teens do for decades.

    Same thing with sex. Kids are always going to have sex. I would rather give them the information and means to do it safely than pretend that if they dont have the information they wont do it.

  • XcodeMod says:

    Is this real ??

  • Allison Corson says:

    At first I thought he was pretty intuitive, but then after watching the
    whole thing..I think he is high…pills are my guess.?

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