Is There PA Law That Allows Parents to Force Their Minor Child (15) Into Drug Rehab?

Question by Cassie: Is there PA law that allows parents to force their minor child (15) into ?

Its actually for my child. I called a few treatment centers and they said they won’t take her. I find it appalling a parent wouldn’t have this right over their child!

Best answer:

Answer by Lynn
If your parents have custody of you, then yes, they can require you to go to drug rehab, or military school, or boarding school, as long as the facility is itself legal and licensed.

ETA: The facilities you’re contacting may not want to take anyone, minor or not, who has to be forced into rehab. It’s not a question of law but the choice of the facility about who they treat.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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3 Responses to Is There PA Law That Allows Parents to Force Their Minor Child (15) Into Drug Rehab?

  • KevinM says:

    Yeah. It’s called the “you’re a minor” law. They can do whatever they want with you until you declare yourself emancipated. Hey – why don’t you do that! Since they want to send you to drug rehab, clearly they don’t understand. You’d be much better off on your own.

  • Lexie says:

    Yes. As long as you are a minor, your parents can force you into rehab or any other medical treatment that might be necessary.

    * Edit– OK, I see what you’re asking now. As to your child, yes, you can force that child to go to treatment. You can’t force the rehab to take a child if they don’t want to. I assume their stance is based upon their belief that the treatment won’t do any good if the child is unwilling. You can’t make them change that. Keep calling around–I’m pretty sure there are places that will take an unwilling minor. I’ll let you know if I find any.*

  • Morgan R says:

    Actually , you meant to ask if there was law prohibiting parents from forcing a child into rehab.
    The laws assumes that a parent can make all decisions, medical , schooling, etc for a child.
    Yes, parents and PA (and where else ) can commit a child to rehab, boarding school, mental institutions, have their tonsils taken out, keep them getting a tatoo, or staying out all night, etc.

    Until they are 18 or emancipated, a parent has control over a child unless a court takes custody of the child.

    EDIT: I also see now what your dilemma is. She refuses to cooperate. Well, you have two alternatives then. Find a facility that specializes in troubled teens (drugs aren’t her only problem) usually those are Chistian based and quite strict ( the one down the road from e has razor wire around it) OR you can wait until she is arrested and goes through withdrawal etc in jail ( juvvy jail) which is horrific most places.
    You are on a mission to save her life, drugs will kill her, but that is not the cause of her problems. The REASON she is self destructive and doesn’t like this reality is what needs addressing as much as her addiction.
    If you email me I will email you the name of the “school” near me. Colorado and Missouri have more than their share of “addicted troubled teen schools”. If you have insurance, I know Blur Crooss has special programs for dependents with the problems your are facing.
    Be strong. Someday she will thank you.

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