Legalize Drugs: Zero Tolerance, Prohibition, Drug Laws, and the War on Drugs – Ron Paul


Legalize Drugs: Zero Tolerance, Prohibition, Drug Laws, and the War on Drugs – Ron Paul – 1988 Paul favors the right to use marijuana as a medical option. He was cosponsor of HR 2592, the States’ Rights to Medical Marijuana Act. He is currently a supporter of the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008. He also believes marijuana should be completely legal at the federal level. Paul contends that prohibition of drugs is ineffective and advocates ending the War on Drugs. “Prohibition doesn’t work. Prohibition causes crime.” He believes that drug abuse should be treated as a medical problem: “We treat alcoholism now as a medical problem and I, as a physician, think we should treat drug addiction as a medical problem and not as a crime.” The US Constitution does not enumerate or delegate to Congress the authority to ban or regulate drugs in general. Paul believes in personal responsibility, but also sees inequity in the current application of drug enforcement laws, noting in 2000, “Many prisoners are non-violent and should be treated as patients with addictions, not as criminals. Irrational mandatory minimal sentences have caused a great deal of harm. We have non-violent drug offenders doing life sentences, and there is no room to incarcerate the rapists and murderers.” When asked about his position on implementing the Tenth Amendment, Paul explained, “Certain medical procedures and medical choices, I would allow the states to determine that. The state law should prevail not the Federal Government.” Speaking specifically


A cure for the disease

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

In 2000, with further liberalisation of economy, the government proposed to remove control on more molecules and kept it for only 35 drugs. At that point, a non-governmental organisation thought … drug prices angered the Supreme Court. “We live in a …
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Drug's deadly toll

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

Editor's note: This is the final story in the series by the Journal Pioneer examining drug abuse in western Prince Edward Island. … Ford went to an alternative residential placement home and lived with Prince County family who treated him like their …
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