Merrell: A Meth Addicts Story of Truth at Habilitat Hawaii Long Term Substance Abuse Program


Merrell: a meth addicts story of truth at Habilitat Hawaii long term substance abuse program – Meth is a huge issue in America today. Its easy to make, cheap to use and creates a whole list of problems. Merrell: a meth addicts story of truth at Habilitat Hawaii long term substance abuse program explains the progression of the addiction. Habilitat is a long term substance abuse treatment center located in Hawaii. We have been helping people beat their addictions for over 40 years. If we can do it so can you! Contact Habilitat Hawaii at… 1-800-872-2525


Police arrests include domestic violence, public intoxication

Filed under: free drug abuse help

1, Patrolman Tim Cochenour arrested Crystal Zwiesler, of Beckner Road in Hamden, for two counts of possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of drug abuse instruments and a probation violation through the …
Read more on The Pike County Daily


Substance abuse making records

Filed under: free drug abuse help

North Coast Prevention Works, a countywide partnership to prevent substance abuse, brought in Martin and Miss Teen Oregon 2006 Jewell Ledford to talk about the prevalence and effects of drug and alcohol use among young people. One pattern that …
Read more on Daily Astorian