North Carolina Live in Rehab Center?

Question by bubblegumluver88: North Carolina live in rehab center?
I live in Pennsylvania and our local radio station featured a link about a North Carolina live-in rehab center. I can’t remember the link. I was wondering if anybody knew about it. They said that you live there, and it is talked about because of how great it is.

Best answer:

Answer by blessingseday
I have lived in NC most of my life and know lots of rehab places! What kind are you talking about ? Drug/alcohol? Physical? Learning disabilities?…
maybe the link will have some answers for you! Good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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Journey Healing Centers (AZ) – Journey Healing Centers is an accredited drug and alcohol rehabilitation program which provides completely confidential services in residential treatment, day treatment, outpatient, long-term sober living, and dual …
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The employee is suspended and required to satisfactorily complete a drug/alcohol rehabilitation program. The board also: •Approved change orders totaling $ 27,511 for the Lockley Early Learning Center project. •Announced the Pennsylvania Department of …
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Aircraft from Helicopter Anti-Submarine (Light) and Carrier Airborne Early Warning squadrons flew detection and monitoring missions while our ships, working with the U.S. Coast Guard, helped confiscate millions of dollars of illegal drugs and illicit …
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