Opiate Hell – Help With Withdrawal and Coming Off Oxycontin Oxycodone Methadone Suboxone


Opiate Hell – Help with withdrawal and coming off oxycontin oxycodone methadone suboxone – My story with opiates. Help to come off. Story sharing channel. Tips and tricks to kick opiates. The truth chemically and physically. Any and all participation is encouraged.


Private addiction help offered

Filed under: addiction help

NEW OUTFIT: Addiction specialists Naomi Wickens (left), Mary Freeman and Gemma Askew have set up Wairarapa's first private addiction service, in the Departmental Building, Chapel St. PHOTO/TESSA JOHNSTONE. Three of CareNZ's former addiction …
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Addiction sufferers find little joy in Christmas

Filed under: addiction help

Pete, a crystal meth addict, was one of the patients the Guardian met at the Clouds House treatment centre, in Wiltshire, run by Action on Addiction. He first began using drugs 11 years ago after he lost a child, parent and best friend in a matter of …
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