Pharmacy Discount Network Donate Rx Help to Catholic Charities of NE Kansas by Charles Myrick


Pharmacy Discount Network Donate Rx Help To Catholic Charities of NE Kansas By Charles Myrick – – As millions of Americans strive to deal with the economic downturn,loss of jobs,foreclosures,high cost of gas,and the rising cost of pr…


Nurse details anesthetic treatments for Jackson

Filed under: Kansas Drug Use

Its lawyers have said Jackson hid his prescription drug use from nearly everyone. Fournier said his … He noted in his records that Jackson had a high tolerance for certain drugs, which Fournier said could be attributed to a variety of factors …
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Kansas City begins natural gas use on buses

Filed under: Kansas Drug Use

The Kansas City Area Transportation on Wednesday put two new natural-gas powered buses into service. Transportation officials say the city will replace all of its 300 buses, which mostly use diesel, to natural-gas during the next 12 to 14 years.
Read more on Joplin Globe


Trader Joe's Customers Have Higher Expectations About Antibiotics and Meat

Filed under: Kansas Drug Use

Consumers Union is opposed to the routine feeding of antibiotics to healthy livestock and has supported legislation to prohibit antibiotic use except when animals are sick. Last year, Consumers Union launched its Meat without Drugs campaign, to try to …
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