Prescription Drug Abuse — Doctors on Call WVU Healthcare and WV Public TV


Prescription Drug Abuse — Doctors On Call WVU Healthcare and WV Public TV – Opioid addiction is a huge problem in West Virginia. The problem can even start right in your own medicine cabinet with prescription drugs. That’s why experts answer questions about prescription drug abuse on this episode of Doctors on Call.


Drug abuse awareness event set for 2013

Filed under: drug addiction articles

Efforts locally to spread awareness of the drug issue, and that addiction can strike anyone regardless of social status and age, have been ongoing at a heightened level since the drug abuse prevention coalition began in 2010. In 2011, 21 overdose …
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Uruguay postpones vote on 'state as dealer' approach to drug regulation – but

Filed under: drug addiction articles

In fact, Pablo Stratta, who is the secretary of the Mothers of the Plaza, an organization that fights against drug addiction, says that the polls do not reflect that people are necessarily against Mujica's project but that it is simply not their top …
Read more on Christian Science Monitor


Addicted To Bang: The Neuroscience of the Gun

Filed under: drug addiction articles

In the wake of recent tragic events, there have been a raft of articles about new reasons for gun-control and the psychological make-up of mass murderers (See NYT or WSJ), but the authors of this piece (co-authored with neuroscientist James Olds …
Read more on Forbes


Website tracks black-market prescription drug prices

Filed under: drug addiction articles

The website is one of several tools used by the Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Services system to track prescription drug usage for pharmaceutical companies and others who subscribe. The system was presented at a recent Ohio …
Read more on Marion Star