Rossville Woman’s Push for Medical Marijuana in Georgia Gains Momentum


Rossville woman’s push for medical marijuana in Georgia gains momentum – Is Georgia ready for medical marijuana? Heather Boles of Rossville thinks so. Boles is gathering signatures to petition legislators to legalize medicinal marijuana, like neighboring states that have pushed for legalization, including Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas and Nebraska. Boles, who has collected more than 2000 signatures for the cause, wants the state to consider the medical bene-fits of cannabis sativa and join the other 14 states that already have medicinal marijuana facilities. “I would like to see blanket legalization, but I realize that there is a responsible way about going about things and I think the best way is to test the waters and see if our citizens have the ability for freedom to choose,” Boles said. “Georgia is in a unique position to look at other state policies and construct a policy that is on the forefront of compassionate care. It is really about our right to choose what is right for our own bodies.” Boles, who is allergic to morphine, believes that marijuana should be reclassified from a Schedule 1 substance, where heroine and cocaine are grouped. “Not one single death or injury has been reported from putting marijuana into the human body,” Boles said. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there have been no deaths attributed to the direct use of marijuana. (For more on this, go to Read more: CatWalkChatt – Rossville woman’s push for medical marijuana in Georgia gains momentum Link:


Kansas City Star "Drug overuse in cattle imperils human health"

Filed under: Drug Use Kansas

Beef producers use antibiotics to help cows digest corn, which otherwise causes “acid build-up” and harms internal organs (it turns out cows have evolved to eat grass, not corn feed). The pharmaceutical industry spends millions lobbying Congress to …
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Letters | Act of kindness, student loans, cleaning up crime

Filed under: Drug Use Kansas

I suggest the use of toddler leashes be banned. Ellie Bradshaw. Kansas City. Clean up crime in KC. This concerns dangerous buildings and my tax money. These buildings are not attracting the drug dealers and the female and male prostitutes who work up …
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