RRHS Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services
RRHS Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services – Rum River Health Services provides a full continuum of alcohol and drug treatment services in Central Minnesota. We serve individuals and families in our out patient center and provide lodging services for men and women as well as our Family House Residence where mothers can stay with their children while participating in treatment services.
Slain teens linked to stolen pills latest sign of prescription abuse
Filed under: drug treatment centers in minnesota
Police and treatment officials across Minnesota report a growing number of similar burglaries — in which thieves bypass expensive TV sets and silverware for pills — and a burgeoning black market for unused painkillers and stimulants. "Prescription …
Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune
MediciNova Extends MN-166 Patent Position in Europe
Filed under: drug treatment centers in minnesota
"Along with our recent EPO allowance for the use of ibudilast in progressive multiple sclerosis, these drug addiction and pain patent allowances solidify our exclusivity in that region for all the core development areas of the MN-166 program," noted …
Read more on MarketWatch (press release)