Substance Abuse Help Coming, but Is It Enough?


Substance Abuse Help Coming, But Is It Enough? – Millions of Americans will get new insurance coverage for addiction treatment next year, but the system may not be ready for the wave of new patients. (April…


Finding a path toward inner healing

Filed under: free drug addiction help

He survived a traumatic childhood characterized by organized gang violence and drug abuse and, as a young military veteran in 1970, he determined to change the course of his life. This led him to move to California in search of a new life and a …
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Former meth addict's struggle with relapse shows challenges in fight against drug

Filed under: free drug addiction help

The county has a drug court now, too, that includes programs for methamphetamine addicts. Other Southwest Michigan counties have set up treatment programs, and representative from state and local agencies say they know better now how to intervene and …
Read more on Kalamazoo Gazette –


Free communication with teens workshop planned for July 9, 16 and 23 in Madison

Filed under: free drug addiction help

This free program is offered to all local parents of teens by the Madison Municipal Alliance, the Madison Health Department and the Governor's Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Pre-registration is appreciated but not required so that adequate …
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