abuse of prescription drugs

BPA PRescription Drug ABUSE


BPA PRescription Drug ABUSE – This video is about the abuse of prescription drugs. We are competing in the video production team category of BPA in Minnesota.


Misuse: ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse

Filed under: prescription drug addiction

Stimulant drugs like Ritalin and Adderall are fighters against Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly known as ADHD. When used according to prescription, they can help those who are diagnosed get back to a normal life. "I thought it …
Read more on WILX-TV


Prescription drug abuse destroys lives with death and crime

Stop to Prescription Drug Abuse—America’s Fastest Growing Epidemic


Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic — Clarity Way Rehab


Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic — Clarity Way Rehab – Prescription drug abuse has sharply increased over the past decade, producing many severe long term health consequences for addicted users. Many people don’t realize the strong potency of these drugs and fall victim to dependence after being prescribed to a particular drug by their doctor. Additionally, the availability of prescription drugs also can problematic, especially for young adults. Once addicted, abuse of prescription drugs can be difficult to stop because of the physical pain felt after attempting to stop taking the drugs. Seeking professional help is crucial to successfully overcoming prescription drug abuse. Through our holistic approach, successful recovery can be achieved through implementation of a custom rehabilitation program. Learn more about our many treatment options and meet our recovery experts at www.ClarityWay.com. If you’d like to speak with someone directly about how you can find help overcoming prescription drug abuse, call our 24 hour help line at 1-877-548-4794.

How Does Alcohol or Drug Abuse Affect the Individual and Their Family?

Question by tearsofaclown: How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the individual and their family?
How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the user and their family? How do they feel? What do they do? What can they do?

Best answer:

Answer by Julia III
The family feels scared, helpless and confused. The only help for the addict is to enter a residential treatment program. From my experience, out-patient doesn’t work, counseling alone doesn’t work and suboxone alone doesn’t work. Get the patient into a treatment center. At least there will be hope again.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

The Impact on Children Who Parents Are Alcoholics or Drug Addicts / Educational Video PSA


Facts About Drug & Alcohol Addiction.mp4