addiction treatment

Addiction Treatment Center in Texas


Addiction Treatment Center in Texas – – The Texas Drug Rehabs hotline staff are available 7 days per week to assist you in this time of crisis. We will work dilige…


Too little help for addicts

Filed under: addiction help center

What is alcoholism and drug addiction? It's a disease much like diabetes, heart trouble, etc. It can attack the "underprivileged" as well as the "other side." Insurance companies pay for people to go to rehabilitation centers, just as they pay for …
Read more on Marietta Times

You Must See!! — Depression Treatment Centers in Michigan


You must see!! — depression treatment centers in michigan – visit depression treatment centers in michigan — “Ex-Chronic Sufferer Reveals How To Conquer Stress, Depression And Anxiety, Quic…


Business and professional briefs, Nov. 3, 2013

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers michigan

Shelton, an addictions counselor with Prairie Center, joined the agency in 1995 and was promoted to prevention coordinator for substance abuse for Vermilion County later that year. She became a youth addictions counselor in 1997. Bambenek elected vice …
Read more on Champaign/Urbana News-Gazette


What Are Symptoms of Teen Depression?

Question by Katana: What are symptoms of teen depression?
I’ve been very irritable lately. I get very upset over the littlest things and I don’t know why. I have no desire to do things I used to love. Nothing sounds fun anymore. I usually just end up isolating myself in my room all day, but I feel very lonely. I have trouble staying asleep, I either eat too much or barely at all. Could these be signs of depression? Also, both my mom and dad have pretty severe depression and take medication for it. I’ve had this on and off for a while and I’m not too sure what to do about it. If it is depression of some sort, what are treatment options and how do I tell my mom that I’m depressed. Answers are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Where Can I Find a Consultant to Help Me to Get Certified for Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Ca?

Question by USImporter: Where can i find a consultant to help me to get certified for Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Ca?
I am planing to start outpatient AOD Treatment Center and I need some experianced consultant who can guide me from start up.

Best answer:

Answer by packinrat
You don’t need a consultant.

The state will require the place be run by an experienced certified treatment professional. If you have that, you have your consultant.

They will not accept the credentials of a part time or temporary consultant sorry.

Is There Any Online Courses to Become a Drug Abuse Counselor?

Question by Drea: Is there any Online courses to become a drug abuse counselor?
I wanna become a drug abuse counselor. But wanna take courses online!?

I’ve been thinking for a long time on doing this as well as phbletomy. Ive always wanted to be an RN but since im a drop out I know I have no luck or purpose to even try to persue that. Anyways can someone give me info on good online courses or is it better to attend a school near by were I live?

Does Anyone Know Any Good Actress Monologues About Drug Abuse?

Question by : Does anyone know any good actress monologues about drug abuse?
I’m 17 and am planning to audition for an acting school. Does anyone know of any dramatic monologues about drug abuse suitable for a young woman?

Best answer:

Answer by Acting Advice Online
From one of our experts:

She has a good monologue about depression and suicide. (Kind of related)

The monologue starts with the line (something like this) “You start by taking a razor and cutting right here”

The Queen of Queen Street by Maureen Hunter. Character: Alison