church of scientology

Foundation for a Drug-Free World – the Truth About Heroin


Foundation for a Drug-Free World – The Truth About Heroin – The Truth About Drugs documentary is the cornerstone of the Drug-Free World Campaign, sponsored by the Church of Scientology. This documentary is the real story of what drugs are and what they do to one’s body and mind—told by people who’ve been there, done them and survived to tell about it.


Bill proposes welfare recipients be drug tested

Filed under: free drug rehabs

Protest of Travolta’s NarCONon #11


Protest of Travolta’s NarCONon #11 – NARCONON OF GEORGIA PROTEST. THANK YOU GA PEOPLE FOR YOUR HELP. Patrick Desmond’s mother describes him as kind-hearted and good-natured, but the former Marine died at 28-years-old, losing a battle against alcoholism. Desmond’s death in 2008 came as he took part in a worldwide drug treatment program, Narconon, already under fire for other patient deaths and ties to the Church of ScientologyProtest of Travolta’s NarCONon #1


Senate confirms Kerry nomination for State Dept.

Filed under: drug treatment programs in georgia

Lucas Catton Slams Narconon Fox News 25


Lucas Catton Slams Narconon Fox News 25 – Agust 20, 2012 – Former President of Narconon Arrowhead, Lucas Catton, is speaking out about why he thinks the facility is more affiliated with Scientology than it claims. Gary Smith said in a statement to Fox 25: “Narconon has always acknowledged that our organization receives support from the Church of Scientology.” There have been four deaths at Narconon Arrowhead – three within the past nine months. Senator Tom Ivester said he will author legislation aimed at regulating questionable practices of a drug treatment program with close ties to the Church of Scientology. The lawmaker said a quick legal search revealed no less than 15 lawsuits against the facility on Lake Eufaula, Narconon Arrowhead. Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire, he said. MARISA MENDELSON INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER

Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Big Pharma


Inpatient Drug Rehab Center – Exceptional Care Addiction Treatment


Inpatient Drug Rehab Center – Exceptional Care Addiction Treatment – Recovery First offers several levels of substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation. Our most intensive level of treatment is the Inpatient Substance Abuse Program, but we also have other treatment options for drug addiction and alcoholism like our Day/Night Program or Sober Living. For More Details About Our Experts Visit Our Website


Belgium prosecutor's office accuses Church of Scientology of being "a criminal

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab

Where Can You Take a Person for Free Drug Rehab?

Question by Cooks in ’08: Where can you take a person for free drug rehab?
If they have nothing and are homeless how do you get help in America for drug rehab?

Best answer:

Answer by meeka o
The local Mental Health department would have information regarding free drug rehab. The person may need to be admitted first to an emergency room of a county hospital (some states require medical clearance before admit.).

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!