domestic violence

What Aid Is Available for a Single Mother Who Is Suffering From Domestic Abuse?

Question by : What aid is available for a single mother who is suffering from domestic abuse?
Hi, I live in the Kansas City area and am currently in a abusive relationship with the father of my 10 month old child. I am completely dependent on him financially. I have been applying to jobs, and haven’t been able to land one. My plan is as soon as the lease is up (next month) I will go to a shelter since I have been unable to find work. I was thinking of going to Nursing School. I have been researching what type of resources are available for somebody in my situation. I haven’t been able to find a lot.

Substance Abuse: Anger Management, a Neglected Topic in Substance Abuse Intervention

A long standing issue

Problems managing anger has always been a concern for patients suffering from addictive disorders. Pioneering research by my mentor, Dr. Sidney Cohen at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute demonstrated the relationship between, anger, violence and the use of alcohol and or cocaine. One of the most popular articles written by Dr. Cohen, was entitled, “Alcohol, the most dangerous drug known to man”. In this and other publications, Dr. Cohen systematically demonstrated the causal relationship between cocaine and alcohol abuse and aggression. Much of this research was done in the 70s and 80s.

Drug Rehab Centers Kansas: The Scope of Drug Rehab in Missouri

Missouri, known as the “Show-Me State”, has a population of nearly 6 million people, and according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), roughly 225,000 people in Missouri aged 12 or older were past-month users of an illicit drug, and more than 60,000 were considered to be addicted dependent on drugs or alcohol in the past year.

How Hard Is It to Be Emancipated in Kansas if You Have Been Through Family Trauma and Drug Abuse? :(?

Question by Khrissa Dawn: How hard is it to be emancipated in Kansas if you have been through family trauma and drug abuse? :(?

Best answer:

Answer by wizjp
You need a job, the ability to support yourself financially and socially, a place to live, a plan for the court for conducting your life, usually your parents permission, and a court order.

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PHS, USD 250 officials unveil drug testing policy proposals

Filed under: Kansas Drug Abuse

Substance Abuse Treatment: Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Treatment

Every 15 seconds a woman is subjected to domestic violence in the United States. Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior that is used to gain or maintain power and control in an intimate relationship, such as marriage, dating, family, friendship or living together. Anyone can be a victim or perpetrator of domestic violence.

Keeping this in mind, we will be focusing on male batterers and female survivors of domestic violence since this is the “typical” scenario and will be seen most often in treatment facilities. We will discuss substance abuse in both the batterer and the survivor.