drug abuse

Drug Abuse and Cindy McCain – After the Election. Should Not All Addicts Be Equal in the Eye of the Law?

Question by FBH: Drug Abuse and Cindy McCain – After the election. Should not all addicts be equal in the eye of the law?
…just a thought.

(Question Disclaimer: This IS a valid question, one I am looking for an answer to. If this question somehow upsets you – please choose not to answer it.)

Best answer:

Answer by wcsteel
Drug addicts and Prescribed by a doctor prescription addicts are different things in the law.

They may receive the same treatment but if they had a legitimate prescription for pain that is legal under most state and federal laws.

Mental Health or Drug Rehab Centres Vic ?

Question by Jadezzy: Mental health or drug rehab centres Vic ?
Hi all,
Just wondering what some different opinions on any good mental health and drug rehab centers in Vic what there like?? Where they are?? How much they cost?? Just any info would help doctors don’t seem to be helping thought i would try here… Thanks

Best answer:

What Were the First Signs of Your Loved Ones Drug Addiction?

Question by nacho c: What were the first signs of your loved ones drug addiction?
Those who have known addicts…Do drug addicts make plans and not show up? Also, those who have learned their loved one is an addict, can u please share the awkward/unsual or addict behavior you discovered?

Best answer:

Answer by PEGGY S
Yes, they do and they are usually moody and broke most of the time, unless they are wealthy.

Starting New Busines Drug/alcohol?

Question by pleasuretopleaseyou: starting new busines drug/alcohol?
I am interested in researching the requirements in opening a drug/alcohol dui school. Anyone ever inquire the procedures and laws which is needed for this type of business

Best answer:

Answer by Dylan B
OMFG i dunno but i wanna join!

Answer by Rickydotcom
In the U.S. this type of school is generally licensed and regulated by the state. The facility where I work has college-educated, licensed counselors. Program curriculum is setby each state but most use ASAM Patient Placement Criteria as a basis for their programs. Maryland has two different DWI/DUI programs, a 3 hr alcohol education course and a 12 hr DUI course. Each program is approved by the MVA and the state Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration. The educators/counselors must be state-certified.

Addiction Recovery – Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources

Addiction Recovery – Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources — http://www.soberlifeusa.com | 1-855-454-3387 How many stories have you heard of people re-entering drug rehab and drug treatment countless times? The reason …

Differentiate Drug Abuse From Dependence?

Question by : Differentiate Drug Abuse From Dependence?

Best answer:

Answer by Camo
Drug abuse is taking more than you need to get high.
Dependence is doing it the next day against reason. The drug tells you to.

Answer by Unazaki
Drug abuse means that you’re using the drug not because you need it to survive, but because just you want to. Dependence means you have to take the drug even if you don’t want to if you want to survive.