drug abuse

Pros of Alcohol and Drug Abuse?

Question by Angel: Pros of alcohol and drug abuse?
I’m having a debate on alcohol and drug abuse for my sociology class and my half of the debate are the pros. I certainly know that the functionalists would say that drug and alcohol abuse is good because it provides jobs for AA employees and provides greater economic flow. I’d actually like to know, are there any other pros besides the mentioned for the abuse of alcohol and drugs? Can the word “abuse” be used in a different context for alcohol and drugs? Please give me something to debate on the pros, thank you!
Okay, let me clarify my point of the debate: I was assigned the half of the debate that is pro drug and alcohol abuse, I had no say. I didn’t just ask for the pros of health, I’m also asking for benefits it causes. Functionalists, Conflict theorists, anything really. It wasn’t my choice to be the pro party. Sorry if I didn’t clarify enough.

New Jersey Addiction Treatment Centers


New Jersey Addiction Treatment Centers – http://www. NewJerseyAddictionNetwork.com -The National Association Of Addiction Treatment Providers Has Stood At The Forefront Of The Addiction Treatment Fi…


Our View: Addicted Maine women will pay for treatment cuts

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

Women in recovery have special needs when it comes to preparing for this transition, but in Maine, they've lost one of their options for finding support. Crossroads Back Cove in Portland, one of the few halfway houses in our state, has … Substance …
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Why Did Mikey Tuttle From Occ Go to Rehab?

Question by lex: why did mikey tuttle from occ go to rehab?
mike tuttle from orange county chopers went to rehab noted from the tv show what was the cause drugs what drugs alchol????

Best answer:

Answer by Dave

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Alcohol Rehab Orange | Drug Rehab Orange | Alcohol Rehab Orange – http://orange.alcoholdrugrehabca.com Alcohol Drug Rehab Centers Orange Call (714) 494-9688 to Get Help Now! We offer the best drug rehab, alcohol rehab facil…


Amanda Bynes Works Out, Buys Cig Papers Post Rehab

Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Essay?

Question by Brooke: Teen drug and alcohol abuse essay?
I have to do a problem/solution essay for school and I’ve decided it’s going to be on teen drug & alcohol abuse- And I need help. I can’t figure out three solutions to the problem. Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Lola N
i farited

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Overdose deaths from prescription drug abuse skyrocketing in southwestern

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

What Can Society Do to Reduce Drug Abuse?

Question by cowgirl: What can society do to reduce drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by Chris
Don’t know. But it sure ain’t D.A.R.E or Scruff Mc Gruff the crime dog. There have been many ideas such as drug treatment upon request and a variety of treatment options, enact legislation that provides full continuum insurance coverage for substance abuse treatment, and reducing children’s exposure to cigarette and alcohol advertising.

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Oxycontin Addiction and Oxycontin Abuse – http://drugstrategies.org/ Oxycontin Addiction & Oxycontin Abuse – Take the first step to discovering the best substance abuse treatment options for you. Cal…

Religious and NON-Faith Based Drug Rehab Clinics in New Mexico 1-855-602-5102


Religious and NON-Faith Based Drug Rehab Clinics In New Mexico 1-855-602-5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Local Drug Rehab Centers in New Mexico and Nation Wide http://yourdrugabusehotline.com/religious-addiction-rehab-treatment-clinics-in…



Filed under: drug abuse hotline

To solve Santa Fe's drug problem, Dimas brings up the 1970s, when the police department and the schools “worked together” on drug and alcohol prevention plans. And his efforts on City Council to address the problem haven't always … Dimas amended his …
Read more on Santa Fe Reporter