drug addict

Certified Drug Addict


Certified drug addict – This video was uploaded from an Android phone.


Baraka critical of pastors backing Christie

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Specifically, he applauded Christie's stance on drug addiction treatment, his views on the federal fiscal cliff and his support of President Obama after Hurricane Sandy. "There are certain things that we … "He's got to have some conviction and some …
Read more on NJ.com


Alleged BC bomber changed after converting to Islam, friend says

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Having Trouble With Alcoholics Anonymous and God?

Question by Ian: Having trouble with Alcoholics Anonymous and God?
Hi. My name is Ian and I’m an alcoholic and drug addict. I’m in an intensive outpatient program at a rehab center. A requirement for the program is that I attend 8 AA/NA meetings. I went to my first one last night. It was in a church basement and there was lots of talk about God and staying sober through his graces. I’ve heard this same kind of talk at group. I’m an strong agonist atheist and think that it is dangerous to build a foundation of sobriety on fantasy. I’m basing my recovery not what makes me feel good but on what is true.

What Are Some Ways Society Can Prevent Drug Abuse?

Question by nycaypeh: What are some ways society can prevent drug abuse?
What are some ways society can prevent drug abuse among teens, and adults? How can we enforce laws to make sure that people stay away from drugs, and stay healthy? Any any answer will be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by crazycolt1
One thing could be a 20 year mandatory sentence for drug dealing. 2nd offence the death penalty. No more plea bargains.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



??? 07 05 2012 23 27 24 Kc Rich 2ndgen Drug Abuse


??? 07 05 2012 23 27 24 kc rich 2ndgen drug abuse


Dems rebel against Obama admin's environmental agenda

Filed under: Kansas Drug Addiction

West Virginia and Montana are joining Kansas in filing an amicus brief to urge the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a challenge to rules that give the federal government the power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The states want the …
Read more on Daily Caller


Narconon Arrowhead Helps Teen Through Drug Education Community Outreach

What Sign Is the Most Susceptible to Becoming a Drug addict/Alcoholic?

Question by Buffoon: What sign is the most susceptible to becoming a drug addict/Alcoholic?

…Or, if you have any friends who are either of these, what sign are they?

Best answer:

Answer by Marko
First place pisces,second place cancers

Give your answer to this question below!


Psychiatric facility given 'conditional' status

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

PLYMOUTH — The Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction has placed a Plymouth psychiatric hospital for children and adults on a “conditional certificate” for the next three months. The special audit, conducted at the facility March 27-28, cites …
Read more on South Bend Tribune

Food and Drug Addiction


Food and Drug Addiction – so all you fat losers out there quit stigmatizing the drug addict cause your no better !!


Struggling Against Heroin Addiction in Southern Afghan Province

Filed under: drug addiction

The director of public health in Zabul, Dr Lal Mohammad Tokhi, says the number of drug addicts is increasing on a daily basis. “Many of the people admitted [to hospital] are on heroin. We help them as much as we can, but we can't do more, as we don't …
Read more on GroundReport