drug addiction help

Would You Hire a Teacher With a Previous Drug Addiction?

Question by Harry: Would you hire a teacher with a previous drug addiction?
Would the kind of drugs matter? Like…crack vs. heroin?

Would it matter how they detoxed? Cold turkey at home vs. with a rehab plan?

Let’s say he/she is teaching high school.

Best answer:

Answer by Mooka
i would think it would depend on the school and the level of age that you’re teaching.

What do you think? Answer below!



The Yellow Jug Old Drugs Program documentary – The Great Lakes Clean Water Organization (GLCW) and Stone Bridge Productions, with financial support from Michigan DEQ, teamed up to produce the first-ever d…

Utah Rehab Center Open House


Utah Rehab Center Open House – Turning Point Centers recently hosted a ribbon cutting and open house for its new Bell Canyon Drug and Alcohol addiction treatment and recovery center. The e…


Red, blue and high all over: Mapping America's drug and alcohol habits along

Filed under: drug addiction help utah

According to the survey, traditionally 'blue' states like Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington had the highest percentage of drug use, compared to Texas, the Dakotas and Nebraska, which had the lowest drug use rates. Seeing colors: In 2008, the …
Read more on Daily Mail

What Is Th E Difference Between Addiction Clinical Counslors and 12 Step Self Help Programs?

Question by Ina B: what is th e difference between addiction clinical counslors and 12 step self help programs?
I am doing a research paper on drug addiction recovery and what the difference is between the clinical staff (treatment) and going to self help 12-Step groups (etc. N/A, AA).

Best answer:

What Is With the High Crime in Oregon?

Question by ashizz: What is with the high crime in Oregon?
I’ve done some research on cities in Oregon and it seems even the smallest cities in Oregon have high crime. I go to www.bestplaces.net to get info. And if you check out Oregon alot of the cities from big to small have some high crime. What’s with this?? Any locals out there please give me some insight on what’s going on.
I am moving to Oregon in a few months, so my interest is in Oregon only, I am not looking for info on the 49 other states.

Is It Legal to Smoke Marijuana Without a Medical Prescription?

Question by goetjens: Is It legal to smoke marijuana without a medical prescription?
I was at school, and some people in my gym class were talking about stupid challenges (like the cinnamon challenge) and eventually got to the topic of marijuana. from my knowledge, marijuana is illegal, with the exception of a medical prescription. But what they were saying is that it is totally legal, even UNDERAGE. They are saying that there is no risk whatsoever, and saying that it is a great stress reliever, and saying that they have friends that smoke it underage. Now; I TOTALLY disagree with this, and will never consume drugs. What is the real answer? I just cant believe what they are saying. I know it can be different in different states. The state that I am concerned of is Michigan. Thanks.
Can I have an answer that tells me a bit more?
Like I said Mr. Fluffles, I intend to NEVER consume drugs, or marijuana.
Call Sign: Helio, It is marijuana, not weed. It doesn’t matter how many time’s somebody tries to convince me. I WILL NEVER DO DRUGS. I can pass plenty of courses/classes without drugs. Thank you very much.

How to Tell My Infertile Friend I Am Pregnant?

Question by Kristin R: How to tell my infertile friend I am pregnant?
One of my best friends has been ‘trying’ to conceive with her husband for about 3 years now. Through extensive testing they have found out nothing to be wrong with her and he has a very low sperm count. IVF is their only option at this point, but they haven’t started that. From the beginning I have been super supportive, and one of her only friends who knows what is going on. Listening to her disappointment month after month. I really feel for her. She has learned of several friends & family members pregnancies in the 3 years of trying and each announcement is met with more sadness than the last. It is to the point now that when the last announcement came (her sister in law) my friend was bitter, stopped communicating with that side of the family for a period of time and had crying break downs daily for the first 5 months of her sister in laws pregnancy. My friend ended up being involved in the baby shower (out of pressure from her mother in law) and it was extremely difficult for her. When the baby was born she visited the hospital and has only seen the baby one time since. She just says it is too hard.