Drug Addiction Treatment (Part 1)
Drug Addiction Treatment (Part 1) – This is a story about Mario and his mom goes to a Drug Rehab Center for drug addiction treatment and seeks advice from Dr. Mohammad, certified in Addiction M…
From Twitter:
UN report finds some drug and addiction treatments are akin to torture http://t.co/yoaCntuNib via @TIMEHealthland – by lisaztweets (Lisa Zahn)
From Twitter:
RT @CareNotTorture: TIME: UN report finds some drug and addiction treatments are akin to torture http://t.co/LbXmgxmIut via @TIMEHealthland – by lingmerete (Ling Kituyi)
How Can a Person Who Has Low-Income Find a Good Addiction Treatment Program?
Question by ashleigh h: How can a person who has low-income find a good addiction treatment program?
I know addiction treatment programs cost much. How about those who want to change but can’t afford to go to addiction treatment centers? Especially those who are unemployed?
Best answer:
Answer by anyssa w
There are actually state-funded treatment programs available now for low-income or indigent persons who are in need of treatment regarding their alcohol or drug dependency. For those who are deemed unemployable because of their addiction, they are eligible to apply for treatment under the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment and Support Act.
Amy Klobuchar’s Video Greeting for the 2012 Minnesota Teen Challenge Gala
Amy Klobuchar’s Video Greeting for the 2012 Minnesota Teen Challenge Gala – Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar greets friends and expresses her support for MnTC at the 2012 Minneapolis gala. www.mntc.org
100 Hospitals and Health Systems With Great Oncology Programs
Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis
This past year, Duke researchers identified the structure of a certain molecule that transports chemotherapy drugs into cells, a finding that could help create more effective cancer treatments with fewer side effects. Eisenhower Medical Center (Rancho …
Read more on Becker’s Hospital Review
What Are the Best Quit Smoking Sites That Really Help You Quit?
Question by totalbalance4u: What are the best Quit Smoking sites that really help you quit?
Dear quit smoking experts or better yet, ex-smokers, what are the best quit smoking sites that really support/help one quit this terrible addiction?
I’m highly motivated and am looking for the best support available to succeed, once and for all. Thx. in advance for you help.
Best answer:
Answer by fieldelson
I was a smoker for 45 years and I tried all kinds of quit smoking gimmicks.The only thing that worked for me was the Guts to try and the willpower to stick to it. It has been 15 months now,and some days are still hard to stay smoke free, but so far so good, give it a try and Good Luck,You can do it.
Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Program for Adolescents in Atlantic Canada – Portage Cassidy Lake
Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Program for adolescents in Atlantic Canada – Portage Cassidy Lake – Residents and graduates of the Portage Atlantic rehabilitation program at Cassidy Lake describe their struggles with substance abuse and their appreciation for the Portage drug addiction treatment program in New Brunswick. Residents, staff, and members of the community talk about how Portage helps Atlantic Canadian youth seek Freedom from Addiction. Portage is a cross-Canada non-profit organisation that fosters the strengths and skills of substance dependent persons to enable them, through comprehensive and cost-effective interventions based on the therapeutic community approach, to live lives of sobriety, filled with dignity, self-respect, and accomplishment. www.portage.ca