drug addiction

Drug Rehab Center Utah | Drug Addiction Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Centers in Utah

Drug Rehab Center Utah | Drug Addiction Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Centers in Utah — http://drugrehabinutah.net Drug Rehab Center Utah’s residential program deals with alcohol, drug, and pharmaceuticals abuse with counseling, detox, aftercare…

Non-Religious & Faith Based Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment in Oregon 1-855-602-5102

Non-Religious & Faith Based Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment In Oregon 1-855-602-5102 — Call 1-855-602-5102 Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment In Oregon http://yourdrugabusehotline.com/non-religious-drug-addiction-rehab-treatment-in-oregon/ Religiou…

Considering the Statistics Related to Cocaine Abuse, Why Risk Voting for a Pres. Who Admitted to Drug Abuse?

Question by Theo N: Considering the statistics related to cocaine abuse, why risk voting for a Pres. who admitted to drug abuse?
Obama admitted to using cocaine among other illegal substances.
Cocaine users have a higher rate of depression as a result of brain damage.
75% of people who try cocaine become addicted to it.
Only 1 in 4 cocaine users will actually kick the habit without help….did Obama go to rehab?


Best answer:

Answer by carbonmonoxide
Sarah Palin admitted to smoking pot when she was younger. What’s your point?

I’m a Heroin Addict?

Question by takingsunday21: I’m a heroin addict?
Ok, to start im a 20 yr old male. I started using heroin about 5 or 6 months ago, when i was 19. I really hate what ive become. I have an awesome girlfriend, who doesnt have any idea about my problem, actually, none of my family knows. im a very skilled guitar player, but havent done anything productive since i started using. I know that in a twisted way, im fortunate to be seeking help this early in my addiction. so yes, my withdrawal period will be easier than someone whos been using for years but, at the same time, im to far in for it to be anywhere near easy. going cold turkey is not an option, i tried, and became extremely sick, and i never want to feel that way again. also an in house rehab center wouldnt work, because i have a fulltime job and i really dont want anyone to know about this, my family, friends, or co workers. Once im off, relapsing wont be an obstacle. It wont happen, im so ready to be off this damn drug. man, a methadone treatment would be ideal, but i want a doc.

Drug Addiction Help…?

Question by Brian: Drug Addiction Help…?
My girlfriend is on Meth. I am trying my hardest to understand and comply with it. When I try to intervene and confront her, it becomes nothing but violent and pointless it seems like. She has been on it for approx 3 years now, and I had met her about a year ago. This is someone i really do care about because if i know how she is when she is not on it. I have seen her not on it and that is the person i feel in love with. She is very paranoid, and very insecure. She likes to say her friends are hers and not for me to meet, and everything just seems to be going downhill. How do I confront her and talk to her, or better yet, help her. Anytime i try to talk to her, it seems like she doesnt listen or just walks out on me. I do i get her to actually sit down and listen? This is a very serious issue i am having to deal with in a loved one. Someone please help me with some advice.
Rehab unfortunately is not an option right at the moment. I cant afford it and no health insurance does not help.

How Can I Help My Big Brother Overcome His Drug Addiction?

Question by cal: How can I help my big brother overcome his drug addiction?
My big brother is having a relationship with Mary Jane (marijuana). He knows that it’s not good for him but he says he likes what it does to him so he continues to use it. The thing is, Mary Jane’s really affecting his life. He’s getting failing grades in school (he’s really smart so I don’t know how that happened) and he’s getting worse at baseball. He even spends more time locked up in his room with Mary Jane than hanging out with anyone else. I think he really needs help. He’s such a gifted person and I don’t want his talents to go into waste. We’re from Eastport, Maine.