drug policy

Is Marijuana Addictive?


Is Marijuana Addictive? – READ DESCRIPTION! Today on Lexs World, we discuss whether weed is addictive or not. What people fail to keep in mind is that there are two types of addiction…


FOCUS: Marijuana's march toward mainstream confounds feds

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

“We're on this hundred-mile-an-hour freight train to legalizing a third addictive substance,” says Kevin Sabet, a former drug policy adviser in the Obama administration, lumping marijuana with tobacco and alcohol. Legalization strategist Ethan …
Read more on Fall River Herald News


What Are Some Career Alternatives for Social Work?

Question by chikeymonky: What are some career alternatives for social work?
I have a BA in Social Work and minored in Psychology. Currently, I work in the training/education field. Can anyone suggest other career opportunties?

Best answer:

Answer by No A
You don’t say where you’re located or what your licensure is. I work at a community mental health facility and our social workers do anything from case management, crisis intervention, rape crisis, vocational training, group work, alcohol and drug counseling, and with an LISW they even do counseling. There are also social workers at Human Services, Children’s Services. and I have a social work instructor that has a private practice.

Successful ADHD Treatment


Successful ADHD treatment – This mother shares her excitement for the successful treatment her daughter has received for problems with focus, attention, attitude and grades…many of the common symptoms associated with…


OAS Releases Historic Report on Drug Policy Alternatives

Filed under: drug treatment programs washington dc

The opportunities presented under the “Pathways” scenario include “development of better drug policies through experimentation, reallocation of resources from controlling drugs and drug users to preventing and treating problematic use, and shrinkage of …
Read more on The Daily Chronic


Nj Rehab Centers


Nj Rehab Centers – Rehab.


Nation's drug czar to outline drug policy reform

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nj

Kerlikowske will be joined by Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Tony Batts, Baltimore's policy commissioner, and Dr. Eric Strain, director of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and Research at Johns Hopkins …
Read more on Salon


Tyrann Mathieu: 'I'm on the right track' after being drafted by Cardinals

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nj

Drug Prevention: The Oregon Partnership Story


Drug Prevention: The Oregon Partnership Story – Oregon Partnership is a statewide non-profit promoting healthy kids and communities through drug and alcohol awareness, drug prevention programs, and 24 hour…


Oregon's Math Problem: How To Measure Health?

Filed under: drug addiction help oregon

To figure out where to start, Oregon Health and Science University studied how often doctors currently ask patients about drug or alcohol abuse — not just whether they smoke or drink, but specifically about abuse of those substances. The answer was …
Read more on NPR (blog)

North Carolina Live in Rehab Center?

Question by bubblegumluver88: North Carolina live in rehab center?
I live in Pennsylvania and our local radio station featured a link about a North Carolina live-in rehab center. I can’t remember the link. I was wondering if anybody knew about it. They said that you live there, and it is talked about because of how great it is.

Best answer:

Answer by blessingseday
I have lived in NC most of my life and know lots of rehab places! What kind are you talking about ? Drug/alcohol? Physical? Learning disabilities?…
maybe the link will have some answers for you! Good luck!