drug product

Can a Patient Be Turned in for Alcohol And/or Drug Abuse?

Question by wOW ReALLY: Can a patient be turned in for alcohol and/or drug abuse?
Can a doc turn his patient in for alcohol or drug abuse to the police or social services?

Best answer:

Answer by Danim Morem
No. It is their job to diagnose you and to treat you in any way possible. It is a good thing to mention to your doctor if you had recently consumed or used any form of alcohol or drug to help with diagnosis, but they legally cannot turn you in as it is part of their doctor-patient confidentiality guidelines.

Why Did Jesus Need to Save People From an Eternal Hell When According to His Faith It Doesn’t Exist?

Question by Alison in Wonderland: Why did Jesus need to save people from an eternal hell when according to his faith it doesn’t exist?
Eternal suffering is a Christian concept and since Christianity didn’t exist till after Jesus died, somehow his supposed self righteous suicide doesn’t seem to line up.

Best answer:

Answer by Jesus or Hellfire
The fullness of Hell was not revealed.
The dead go to Sheol, when the FINAL JUDGEMENT happens, it will be tossed into the Lake of Fire, where the reprobates will burn forever.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Hey Guys , So I’m Really Looking to Get a Tattoo Something That Really Means Alot Too Be and Whatnot?

Question by Liz: Hey guys , so I’m really looking to get a tattoo something that really means alot too be and whatnot?
I’ve had a really tough life growing up being surrounded with drugs and addiction and moving constantly . So I really want a quote that represents moving foward , living for the day , and embracing life .

I was thinking about ” no day but today ” ” carpe diem ” ” la vie bohème ”

I totally would be open to recomindations tho (: THANKS EVERYONE !

Best answer:

New Therapy for Addiction Shuts Down Brain’s Pleasure Parts


New Therapy for Addiction Shuts Down Brain’s Pleasure Parts – A new therapy for addiction shuts down the brain’s pleasure parts. A controversial addiction treatment that has been used on people with alcohol or drug prob…


Is it Legal to Film Police in London?

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

As they exited a subway ('Tube') station, Fred was stopped by officers from London's Metropolitan Police and searched for drugs–a procedure called 'stop and search' that's become common in the city. Grace had no … I went to film the woman with the …
Read more on PRI’s The World

Capoten – Splendid Quality Tablets


Capoten – splendid quality tablets – Capoten – link to online store http://superbmedicines.com/med/Capoten pills Generic Drug is a drug defined as a drug product that is comparable to brand/refe…


Product Mgr III

Filed under: drug abuse definition

Job Summary: Designs, modifies and manages activities for a specific product or group of products from product definition and planning through production and release. … Assistance Program, Tuition Assistance, Flexible Spending Accounts, Adoption …
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KEYC – Mankato News, Weather, Sports – – Delaware becomes 11th state with

Arcoxia Side Effects – Premium Quality Shop


Arcoxia side effects – premium quality shop – Arcoxia side effects – link to online store http://superbmedicines.com/med/Arcoxia-side-effects caps Generic Drug is a drug defined as a drug product that is…


Nelson Mullins | Gold Dome Report – March 22, 2013

Filed under: willard drug treatment program

Wendell Willard (R-Sandy Springs) brought this legislation, which amends O.C.G.A. § 9-11-4, in order to change certain provisions relating to personal service of a summons on a corporation. The bill cleared … The legislation is supported by the …
Read more on Linex Legal (registration) (press release)