drug treatment

To All Those Who View Socialism as Oppressive and Evil, Shouldn’t You Give Up Medicare and Social Security?

Question by Derek ? the East-Coast Élitist: To all those who view Socialism as oppressive and evil, shouldn’t you give up medicare and Social Security?
Explain to me how medicare and Social Security aren’t inherently Socialistic systems.

Then I’d like to see you in old age refuse the payments and coverage, haha. It’ll all look different, then, trust me.

Best answer:

Answer by Michael Scarn
You are right.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Tow truck driver charged with murder after police say he ran down man who

Christian Drug Rehab Program- a Life Free From Drug Addiction


Christian Drug Rehab Program- A Life Free From Drug Addiction – http://transformationstreatment.com/blog/ Drug Addiction can really take a strangle hold on your life. Your success, your hard work, everything you fought so…


Aid in Recovery Comments on Anxiety Study

Filed under: free drug treatment programs

Aid in Recovery, a full-service drug and alcohol treatment center in West Palm Beach, FL released a statement commenting on a recent anxiety study. According to the study, tests … To learn more about the specifics of our program,. Share on Twitter …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Does Anybody Know if There Are Any Drug Treatment Programs Available in Carson City?

Question by vanessa: Does anybody know if there are any drug treatment programs available in Carson City?
I’m from Carson City, Nevada and I would like to know if I could find a drug treatment center here. My son Ethan has finally agreed to attend a treatment program to overcome his crystal meth addiction. He experienced the negative effects of the drugs to his body and he realized that there’s still hope for a better life. I’m so happy that he’s taking this step into changing his life for good. Please help us find a drug rehab. I want to have the old Ethan back.

How Can I Locate an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center Within Ventura, California?

Question by bonnie g: How can I locate an alcohol addiction treatment center within Ventura, California?
My childhood friend begged me to help him find one since he is a self confessed drug dependent and he wants to change for good. Please, help me…:(

Best answer:

Answer by DAPHNE S
Well, aside from establishing contact with the nearest health clinic or accompanying your friend to a specialist for proper consultation, you can simply check out the links below and see what they have in store for you and your friend. I honestly wish you’ll have the help that you are looking for.

Meth Addicts ~ Drug Problem in Kingman Arizona?


Meth Addicts ~ Drug Problem in Kingman Arizona? – I met a cool guy today who formerly grew up and lived in California. He hadn’t heard of Meth until he moved to Kingman AZ. He feels its a problem all over th…


Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment to expand in Two Harbors

Filed under: drug abuse definition

The Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment will triple its efforts in Two Harbors next year, offering an intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program for 12 hours a week along with the current six hours of outpatient treatment at Lake View …
Read more on Duluth News Tribune

What Can My Dad Expect in Court?

Question by buddah: What can my dad expect in court?
My dad has a court date on the 13th for a fta/driving while license suspended this happend about a year and a half ago on the 4th of july of 2007 he was not arrested he just recieved a ticket for the offence and he missed his court date because our car was repossesed the reason his license was suspended is because he got into a couple of car accidents and did not have insurance plus all the tickets he got from those accidents he never paid for he does not drive anymore since that night the police came to our door on the 21st of december and he found out he had a warrant for this offence but he was not arrested and he bonded out right at home there was no drugs or alcohol involved or any thing like that no dwi or dui just the suspended license some of the people i have talked to say he has nothing to worry about just a slap on the wrist and a fine is that true???
Hi just for the record my dad does not have a drug or alcohol problem he is on ssdi-social security disabilaty he is both mentaly and physicaly disabled im sorry if you miss understood my question. but I was just useing the drugs and alcohol as an example compairing it to my dad’s offence of fta/driving while license suspended also we live in dekalb county illinois. and i am a he not a she. my name is jason.