drug treatment

Does the Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center at Clear Lake Regional in the Houston Area Use the 12 Step Program?

Question by liz g: Does the alcohol and drug treatment center at Clear Lake Regional in the Houston area use the 12 step program?
I know someone going there and I was wondering if she is going to be introduced to the 12 step program.

Best answer:

Answer by Blues Man
I believe all alcohol or drug rehabs use the 12 step program as part of their criteria. Everyone that I know that has been in any of these programs, the 12 steps were used along with an AA or NA book. They did other things too but yes if I was going to bet, I would that she will be exposed to this program. Ur a good friend. Wishing U the best.

Is There Such Thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?

Question by bradpast: Is there such thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?
My friend called me after spending a week and a half in a drug treatment center and he tells me that he is out for the weekend. He says they gave him a ‘Weekend Pass’ for having a month of sobriety, when I know for sure that he was using right before he left for the center… Trust him???

Best answer:

Answer by Ron
I’m a recovered alcoholic who went into a drug/alcohol rehab centre in 2006, first of all alcoholics and drug addicts are the world’s best liars, and I think it’s extremely unlikely.

Salvation Army Rehab Rules?

Question by Wednesday: Salvation Army Rehab rules?
Recently my father was in the Salvation Army Rehab program… not even for 24 hours, actually… but I guess the rules were if you got three strikes, they kicked you out. I was just wondering what exactly they gave strikes for?

Reporting Drug Abuse?

Question by redcorn87: Reporting Drug Abuse?
Should I even report drug use if I know about it? I mean, do the cops care anymore?

Best answer:

Answer by [email protected]/semperfi!!
it has to be a really big case for anybody to notice

Answer by madcal
Well, it depends on the drugs and where you are. If you’re in N. California and your buddy is smoking weed, you probably won’t get much of a reaction from cops.

If it is a minor doing drugs, definitely report it. More importantly, if you know someone close to you doing drugs, maybe you should consider getting them help at rehab or a drug treatment facility.

Looking for a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility?

Question by Suga’s Mama: Looking for a drug and alcohol treatment facility?
I am looking for a free or low cost drug and alcohol treatment facility in the Houston, TX area (preferably the south side) for a family member. Also looking for treatment facilities that accept Medicare.

Best answer:

Answer by NANCY K
Drug Addiction Treatment in Houston TX Texas
… Drug Addiction Treatment Treatment Facility: Houston Aftercare Inc. Houston TX Texas … Services (Houston, Tx), Ajam Counseling Center (Conroe, Tx), Alcohol …www.teenanddrug.com/result.cfm/c/10186/d/houston_aftercare_inc.htm
Go to WEBSEARCH type in: drug/alcohol facilityhoustontxmedicare then push enter.

Why Cant Drug Addiction Programs Reduce Drug Abuse?

Question by zach m: Why cant drug addiction programs reduce drug abuse?
I have to do a health debate on why drug addiction programs cant reduce drug abuse. any ideals

Best answer:

Answer by rhonda k
i have dealt with people addicted my whole life and the stuff i have seen and blessed me to never get into drugs i am actually scared to dealth of them!!