I Need an Affordable Inpatient Drug Rehab Place for My Brother. Does Anyone Know What I Should Do?
Question by dogstar1: I need an affordable inpatient Drug Rehab place for my brother. Does anyone know what I should do?
I have spent countless hours on the internet and phone talking to counselors. The only thing I got out of it is that he can go to a local outpatient rehab for free(which he has been forced to do and it doesn’t work) or an inpatient rehab for thousands of dollars a month. We don’t have that kind of money. I don’t know what to do. He is tearing our family apart and making our lives hell. He has got so many people after him that I am afraid something bad is going to happen to him. He is not in his right mind as he is drugged up so much right now. He has been to jail once and immediately got beat up. I am afraid if he is in there again he will get it worse this time. I don’t know where to turn for help anymore and I don’t know what to do to help him. If something happens to him I will always wonder if I could have done more to help him.
What Are the Effects of Parental Substance Abuse on the Family?
Question by Sharysse F: what are the effects of parental substance abuse on the family?
how can it lead to child abuse, juvenile delinquency,financial difficulties and what problems do th family face as a result.
Best answer:
Answer by starlight_940
Drug addiction is a chronic, progressive disorder. It is characterized by cycles of abuse, decreased use, relapse and more abuse. For an addicted parent, the day revolves around the
need to procure and use the drug of choice, and then to recover from its affects. Important activities — familial, social, occupational — are given up or reduced because of the substance abuse. For these parents, the responsibility to protect and sustain their children is less important than the parent’s need for the euphoria produced by the drug.
Young Drug Abuse?
Question by Kate.L: Young drug abuse?
Young drug abuse is a serious proble nowadays in many countries, what are the reason for this and what can be done to combat it?
Best answer:
Answer by Jinjer S
Lack of self esteem, lack of self confidence. Feeling the only way to belong is do what everyone else is doing.
Answer by Jose Luis Rodriguez
I found a good article related to drugs and possible solutions to combat this serious problem:
Drug Abuse & Demand Reduction
I Have a Question for Doctors and Other Drug Prescribing Personel?
Question by Nathan: I have a question for Doctors and other drug prescribing personel?
ok so im depressed and most likely bipolar among other severities and I am looking to see my doctor about some prescriptions, now would it be ok to ask for certain drugs that you want??
and if they ask me if i self medicate(which i do), would it benefit me to say no ? Or to just be honest and tell them that i do, which would be smoking pot, and other drugs lyk cocaine, meth, and maybe even exctasy?? i was just wondering kuz i do want and need the prescriptions but dont wana screw it up for myself.
Which Is Better Putting Drug Users to Jail or Rehabilitation Centers?
Question by shadows n nd dark: which is better putting drug users to jail or rehabilitation centers?
which of the two options is more effective in improving the life of the user?
Best answer:
Answer by Diavolo RN
In jail.Absolutely!
Answer by fangtaiyang
Rehabilitation centers do a better job of improving the drug users’ lives in general, but both options tend to lead to reabuse. At least in a rehab center, the drug users are less likely to gain access to drugs.
Attention Getter for Teen Drug Abuse?
Question by Adrienne: Attention getter for teen drug abuse?
Doing a speech on Teen Drug Abuse need an attention getter for the class and can not come up with one. My thesis is the types, effects, and preventions.
Best answer:
Answer by DMTrippin
teen drug abuse has been on the rise over the past decade because drugs are awesome