heroin abuse

Adolescent Substance Abuse Risk Factors | Child Psychology


Adolescent Substance Abuse Risk Factors | Child Psychology – See what you can learn on the go with the new Howcast App for iPhone and iPad: http://bit.ly/11ZmFOu Watch more How to Understand Child Psychology videos: ht…


Quick news: Craft show scheduled at Martinez Middle School

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

“This Heroin Education Seminar is one of the first steps to addressing the underlying issues with heroin abuse and providing education to parents and teens about how dangerous and harmful this drug can be,” Bertino-Tarrant said. Manley also was …
Read more on Joliet Herald News

How Will I Find the Drug Treatment Program That’s Right for Me in Tully, New York?

Question by aubrie c: How will I find the drug treatment program that’s right for me in Tully, New York?
It was hanging out with my friends that got me addicted to marijuana. I now realize that this isn’t the kind of person that I want to be for the rest of my life. I have become someone that I used to dislike, and I want to change. Can anybody tell me how I’m going to find a drug rehab with a treatment program that will be right for me?

Best answer:

Heroin Addiction Treatment 877-463-1658 Heroin Drug Rehab Morphine


Heroin Addiction Treatment 877-463-1658 Heroin Drug Rehab Morphine – http://rehabalcoholdrug.us Heroin Addiction Treatment 877-463-1658 Heroin Drug Rehab Morphine, helping all of those suffering with Heroin addiction to get th…


Woman dies in drug rehab

Filed under: drug rehab treatment

Teodora Palmieri-Chuck, 45, of Wairarapa, died at Kaitaia's Iboga Clinic while undergoing a controversial ibogaine drug addiction treatment. Ibogaine has been hailed as a miracle way to break drug dependency after only one dose, but concerns have been …
Read more on New Zealand Herald




END THE WAR ON DRUGS FACTS AND STATISTICS – The Federal Government spends over billion dollars per year in the War on Drugs — almost 0 every second — and we have lost. The reason for this fail…


Editorial: NJ report on rampant prescription drug abuse is call to action for

Filed under: prescription drug abuse

The State of New Jersey Commission of Investigation report, “Scenes from an Epidemic,” details the spreading illegal trade of prescription drugs and consequent spike in heroin abuse. It presents a sordid picture of physicians who become entangled with …
Read more on NJ.com

DR PHILL Drug Abuse and Addiction


DR PHILL Drug Abuse and Addiction


Eminem opens up about drug use: 'My bottom was going to be death'

Filed under: drug abuse

In the documentary "How to Make Money Selling Drugs," Eminem opens up about his struggle with prescription drug addiction. The rapper, 40, entered rehab for sleeping pill addiction in 2005. In the movie, Slim Shady gets candid about the drug abuse that …
Read more on New York Daily News


NJSCI report: Illicit medical practices fueling prescription drug & heroin

New York City Drug Rehab 718.839.6637


New York City Drug Rehab 718.839.6637 – http://newyorkcitydrugandalcoholrehabprogram.com Alcohol Drug Rehab New York City (404) 212-3025) is a provider of the best treatment programs and facilities…


Novus Comments on Heroin Abuse Surge – Narcotic Replaces Rx Drugs

Filed under: drug treatment programs in nyc

… drugs, many substance abusers are turning to heroin. Novus Detox says those afflicted with addiction should seek treatment now to avoid falling into deeper a … Novus Medical Detox Center offers safe, effective alcohol and drug treatment programs …
Read more on SYS-CON Media (press release)