heroin addiction

Drug Treatment Centers in Illinois: Drug Treatment Centers Catering to Special Needs

The widespread problem of drug abuse in Mississippi is due to its unique geographical location which makes it a soft target for drug traffickers across the borders of the state. There are 115 million drug consumers in the state for whom the drugs pour in from Gulf ports and South Texas and Mexico in massive quantities. The “Crossroads of South” as the water and river ports of Mississippi are referred to makes the drug situation even worse in the state. In 1902 President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a captured bear while on a shooting expedition in Sharkey County and created the historic teddy bear. It is doubtful if he would feel the same way about drug traffickers in this state.

Pursuing a Career in Teaching in MN With a Criminal Record?

Question by Kareem H: Pursuing a career in teaching in MN with a criminal record?
I am a thirty year old recovering drug addict and alcoholic. In 2006 and 2005 i was arrested for shoplifting on three different occasions and was convicted for gross misdeamenor theft on all three charges. I stole to support an out of control heroin addiction. I graduated from the University of Mn twin cities campus with a degree in applied economics in 2001. After school my drinking and drugging spun out of control and by 2004 i was a full fledged heroin addict homeless living on the streets of minneapolis. After i was arrested the third time i was jailed and while awaiting trial i was furlowed to a drug and alcohol treatment center. After completing the treatment i went to live in a christian based sober house where I found god and jesus came into my heart. This experience has forever changed my life. I have been sober for over one year now. Before moving to the sober house i was an agnostic and i did not know god. I am curios if i could be a teacher in mn with my record?

Heroin Addiction Ripped My Family Apart – a Narconon Trois-Rivieres Recovery


Heroin Addiction Ripped my Family Apart – a Narconon Trois-Rivieres Recovery – Heroin addiction real life testimony of Narconon Trois-Rivieres recovery: Sabrina started using drugs and heroin at a very young age and would later run away from home. “I hated my sister” used to say the addict. Desperate not to give up on their daughter, Sabrinas parents were continually doing what they could to find her. The police would come by her house on a regular basis looking for an updated picture or to say they have found her. Originally from Montreal, Sabrina ran away from everything, and found her self in Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver, using drugs, shooting heroin while being homeless. Gripping testimony from two sisters finally reunited after 7 years after Sabrina completed the Narconon Trois-Rivieres program. Heroin addiction plagues to many of our youths and young adults today, Sabrina was lucky enough to put an end to her heroin addiction in years 2000 with the help of the Narconon Addiction Treatment Center that is now located in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.

Substance Abuse: How Substance Abuse Destroys Lives

Substance abuse is defined as overindulgence and dependence on a toxic chemical/drug, which directly affects the human nervous system, behaviour and various body functions. These substances or drugs have detrimental effects on the mental and physical health of an individual.

Substances that are abused include tobacco, alcohol, addicting medicines and heroin etc. People may start using drugs or indulge in substance abuse for fun, due to peer pressure, curiosity or any other reason, but due to this act, the society has to pay a significant cost. Abused substances are the psychoactive substances that cause dependence syndrome. If a person indulges in substance abuse, he/she feels a strong desire to use it, cannot control its use and cannot get over the addiction even after harmful consequences. Substance abuse can change the perception, judgment, physical control or attention of an individual.

Ribbit Computers K-9 Donation Press Conference at the City of Wichita Building.