heroin addiction

What Does It Mean When CPS Comes Twice in One Investigation?

Question by RachieRoo: What does it mean when CPS comes twice in one investigation?
Okay so far we’ve had a school visit with me, a counselor, and a case worker, then we had a house visit in the middle of a Sunday night and now they came but we weren’t home. My dad got a call saying they’d be back. When they came earlier they left a notice saying “the child” (me) can be taken at any time by CPS without a court order or parental consent. What does all this mean? We have also had a previous case before with them. My mom has a history of drug abuse and recently called a hotline in a prescription drug abuse rampage. Please help me. Am I being taken?

What’s the Best Way to Beat Internet Addiction?

Question by the last ninja: What’s the best way to beat internet addiction?
It’s the new year and resolution time again, and more specifically, it’s break-your-resolution time again as well. And I already have.

I know this is a difficult question, and everyone’s different blah blah blah. And I see the irony in asking how to beat internet addiction in an online forum. I just wanted any tips from people who have learnt to control the amount of time they spend on the net.

Is There a Possibility That Patients in a Medically Induced Coma Will Never Wake Up?

Question by Jason: Is there a possibility that patients in a medically induced coma will never wake up?
Also, how do doctors induce a coma and then take patients out of it? Just interested. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by goldie
Yes there is always that possibility. The med used is call Diprivan

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Fighting scourge of heroin

Filed under: drug treatment centers in massachusetts

Drug Addiction : How to Parent a Child With a Heroin Addiction


Drug Addiction : How to Parent a Child with a Heroin Addiction – Parenting and helping a child with heroin addiction usually cannot be done alone, and seeking an addiction specialist highly advised. Discover these tips for…


Drug testing is a great idea. Thanks, Rep. Radel.

Filed under: drug addiction help free

Yup, in Radel's version of Absurdistan, it's totally okay for a guy in a suit to use coke and collect a government paycheck, but a single mom who needs help buying milk for her kids has to be drug-tested before she gets one government dime. Drug …
Read more on Washington Post

Austin, the Holistic Sanctuary, Johnny the Healer, Pouyan Method, Drug Rehab Healing Center


Austin, The Holistic Sanctuary, Johnny The Healer, Pouyan Method, Drug Rehab Healing Center – Austin gets healed from his heroin addiction within a week! No need for toxic suboxone maintenance drug. No need for sleep meds either, he is sleeping like a…


Rx for Abuse: Prescription drug use among teens on the rise

Filed under: drug rehab facilities

Dr. Neil Capretto, medical director and an addiction psychiatrist at Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Center Township, said there has been a "dramatic rise" in the prescribing of painkillers since the late 1990s. Buy this photo. Prescription drugs by …
Read more on Timesonline.com

Jamie Mayhem and Shannon Elise Suspending for Jane’s Addiction 9/17/2013


Jamie Mayhem and Shannon Elise suspending for Jane’s Addiction 9/17/2013 – Horseshoe casino Cincinnati. 9/17/2013.


What new flick says about sex addiction

Filed under: addiction help cincinnati

In 85 to 90 percent of cases, the addict has suffered some kind of abuse, says Jill Bley, a Cincinnati-based clinical psychologist and sex therapist. … As stigmatized as the issue is, it's even more so for women, who are less inclined to get help, he …
Read more on New York Daily News


Court: Ohio man's excessive force suit can proceed