high school

My Boyfriend Wants to Use Steroids?

Question by barbie c: my boyfriend wants to use steroids?
anyone out there used steroids? i need to know the outcome of this how is he going to act now that he wants to use this drug i have heard of roid rage is this true

Best answer:

Answer by BLULINR
Yep…steroid users typically have short tempers, their testicles shrink and they develop acne on their backs (backne). I’d highly advise against this…there are documented cases of high school athletes DYING because of this. Search the net and you should be able to find some for him to read.

Keep Kentucky Kids Safe Program, Perry County Central High School, Hazard, KY

Keep Kentucky Kids Safe program, Perry County Central High School, Hazard, KY — Attorney General Jack Conway and his Keep Kentucky Kids Safe partners took their prescription drug awareness program to Hazard, KY. With Attorney General Con…

Data on Teenage Drug Abuse?

Question by Cembo: Data on teenage drug abuse?
I’m looking for data on teenage drug abuse. I was hoping there are some links i can use.
Thanks you 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Model Pilot
Here are some…you can get other years by searching “teen drug use statistics”

High School and Youth Trends | National Institute on Drug Abuse
Illicit Drug Use Illicit drug use among teenagers has been rising, … Past-year inhalant use by younger teens dropped significantly between 2010 and 2011, …

In NH Can a Spouse Admit Their Spouse to a Rehabilitation Center?

Question by Blue: In NH can a spouse admit their spouse to a rehabilitation center?
I have a 30 year old married daughter who is a heroin addict. She wants help but is a workaholic. She owns a nice house and thinks that if she goes to a rehab that she will lose her house. She cares about things that are material and not herself.

She has 3 children and a husband. I told him that I’d heard that he could have her admitted because she won’t do it herself even after proclaiming she wants help. Supposedly, in NH spouses can admit their spouse to a hospital or rehabilitation center. Does anyone have further info on this? Is it true?

The Joy of Fresh, Clean Sheets

The Joy of Fresh, Clean Sheets — http://www.homecareinarizona.com 623-266-9304 The aroma of clean sheets is still a joy to seniors. But simple tasks like making a bed can prove challenging i…

How to Make It in America (in a Sport That Gets No Love)
He was a two-time high school All-American and played for one of the nation's top collegiate programs in Johns Hopkins, where he became a four-time collegiate All-American. … Rabil tells Mashable social media plays a special role in attracting a …
Read more on Mashable

Race and the Drug War…?

Question by Cappucino: Race and the drug war…?
The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession arrests in the U.S. Please read the article below by clicking the link before answering. *The font is small so you want to copy the whole article and put it on word and make it a larger font to read*

Do you think this is fair? Explain.


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