new york times

How Can I Locate an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center Within Ventura, California?

Question by bonnie g: How can I locate an alcohol addiction treatment center within Ventura, California?
My childhood friend begged me to help him find one since he is a self confessed drug dependent and he wants to change for good. Please, help me…:(

Best answer:

Answer by DAPHNE S
Well, aside from establishing contact with the nearest health clinic or accompanying your friend to a specialist for proper consultation, you can simply check out the links below and see what they have in store for you and your friend. I honestly wish you’ll have the help that you are looking for.

Uams Substance Abuse Treatment Program


uams substance abuse treatment program – This is a psycho-educational addiction and psychological health recovery method available 24/7. It’s got tools regardless of whether that you are normally th…


Senators Press Medicare for Answers on Drug Program

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Known as Part D, the program provides coverage to 36 million seniors and disabled people. It cost taxpayers $ 62 billion last year. ProPublica has spent the past year examining Medicare's oversight of Part D. It found that Medicare doesn't analyze its …
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What Are the Negative Aspects of Gambling?

Question by Jay Edgar: What are the negative aspects of gambling?
I am doing a project on the negative aspects of gambling and i need a lot of sources to help me support my opinion. also i would really need the negative effects of gambling in the field ofmoral and ethics, the human mind, religion, and finance ( in other words, how does the impact of gambling badly influence on society morally, spiritually, psychologically, and financially?). plus, i need to cite my sources so please give me the website and the URL address. thank you

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Christian Drug Rehab Center


Christian Drug Rehab Center – -We understand that these individuals have gone through high levels of discrimination and persecution because of their …


At Clinics, Tumultuous Lives and Turbulent Care

Filed under: drug treatment centers

Buprenorphine was developed as a safer alternative to methadone for treating heroin and painkiller addiction, a take-home medication that could be prescribed by doctors in offices rather than dispensed daily in clinics. But in some areas a de facto …
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Drug Rehab Center in Riverside, California for Women


Drug Rehab Center in Riverside, California for Women – MFI Recovery is a family oriented drug rehab center in Riverside, Calif. that helps individuals struggling wit…


Addiction Specialists Wary of New Painkiller

Filed under: drug rehab centers in california

A small California-based company called Zogenix purchased the right to market Zohydro in the United States from another drug maker, Elan. Then a year later, in 2011, … Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, the chief medical officer of Phoenix House, which runs drug …
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Residential Psychiatric Treatment for Young Adults in New England?

Question by CQ: Residential psychiatric treatment for young adults in New England?
Treatment needed for an 18 year old suicidal girl with PTSD, anorexia/bulimia, drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, depression, severe anxiety, and possibly borderline personality disorder.
Any suggestions of centers or hospitals in the Northeast, preferably in Massachusetts but not necessarily?
Thank you SO MUCH.

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