Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB
Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB – The prescription drugs, such as painkillers, are found to be the primary cause of death and overdose all across the United States. An unfortunate statistics …
Mental-health hotlines busy
Filed under: 24 hour drug abuse helpline
Sorawong Thienthong, the deputy public health minister, said the statistics were gathered from the records of the 1323 and 1667 hotlines which have a total of 31 lines available 24 hours a day. The majority of those calling the hotline discussed stress …
Read more on Bangkok Post
A Minute With Jay: Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse
A Minute with Jay: Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse – This week’s 1 minute video is on the importance of tackling prescription drug abuse in West Virginia. With one of the highest rates of prescription drug over…
NY case puts N-word use among blacks on trial
Filed under: drug abuse statistics
Raised by a single mother in a New York City public housing project, he became addicted to heroin in his teens and broke it with the help of drug counselors who employed tough love and tough language. Carmona went on to earn a master's degree from …
Read more on WRCB-TV
Birmingham: David Cameron Unveil Plans to Help ‘Problem Families’ (BBC1 West Midlands Coverage)
Birmingham: David Cameron unveil plans to help ‘problem families’ (BBC1 West Midlands coverage) – This piece first broadcast on 15 Dec 2011. Televised on UK’s regional television BBC1 West Midlands. Programme (Program) — Midlands Today.
Medicaid: Matter of life and death
Filed under: drug abuse help for families
With the support of the Kasich administration, lawmakers also are considering a program that would require Medicaid recipients with a history of prescription drug abuse to get all of their medicine from the same doctor and pharmacist. That would …
Read more on Marion Star
Are There Places Where They Give Group Tours of the Facilities Dealing With Drug Rehab in Dallas, Tx?
Question by Daniela M: Are there places where they give group tours of the facilities dealing with drug rehab in Dallas, Tx?
I am in a group dealing with psychology and we want to take some tours of places such as drug rehab facility or another facility of that sort and possibly get to talk with the patients. .ie sex rehab, eating disorders, mental illness, etc. Any help would be great.
Best answer:
The Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse.
The effects of prescription drug abuse. – An informational video on the statistics and effects behind prescription drug abuse among adolescents.
Speakers offer encouragement at 'Night of Hope'
Filed under: drug addiction statistics
15 event did their best to do just that, focusing on how they successfully battled their addictions to drugs and alcohol to become better people. ”Night of Hope” … He also said that statistics show that his family is not alone in its struggle with …
Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB
Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB – Overcoming drug addiction and co-occurring disorders can seem like an unobtainable dream, and most people feel burdened and doomed. However, there is help fo…
What Would Happen Tomorrow if Coffee Were Banned?
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
Figure: Prohibition-era protest; Coffee trafficking would become a huge industry, given that South American cartels are already set up to smuggle drugs into the country, together with the fact that most coffee originates in South America. The market …
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