side effect

Prescription Drugs Are Killing Twice as Many People via Overdose as Street Drugs

Question by bassdoc: Prescription drugs are killing twice as many people via overdose as street drugs
This is true in Miami, a city well known for illicit drugs, and certainly sure for the entire country probably at a higher rate.
What can we do to educate people that you cant drug yourself into health or happiness.
Heath Ledger is dead, and now they are question Mary Kate about where he got the drugs from. Should she be in prison.

Best answer:

Answer by “Big Guns Upstairs”
Goes to show that humans still find a way to kill themselves, no matter what you make illegal.

Southern California Free Rehab Centers?

Question by Brian: Southern California Free Rehab Centers?
Hello All,
I am finally done flushing my life down the toilet and need some help. Does anybody know of a Rehab Center in Southern California that provides services free of charge. I have previously attended the Salvation Army and was hoping to find some alternatives.


Best answer:

Answer by DeAnne
I don’t know of any free ones, but you could contact United Way; they know all resources.
The brain is a very complicated and delicate thing. It can get messed up and be unable to produce any or enough serotonin. This is called a chemical imbalance which is easily treated, very common and nothing to be ashamed of.

Amphetamine Abuse (Strange Symptom)?

Question by lancee813: Amphetamine Abuse (strange symptom)?
I know someone (60 yrs. old) who was abusing dexadrine and then adderall for over a year, during this time I noticed that they were constantly humming this short tune, over and over and over again, all the time. This humming began around the time the abuse began. He was combining the amphetamines with Vicodin , Effexor, and Seroquel. He has supposedly been clean of the amphetamines for the last month yet the humming continues. Could this possibly be a sign of brain damage from the drug abuse? Also, why did the drug induce this constant humming in the first place? Thanks for any help..

Before Drug Addiction Treatment and Drug Rehab, a Dysfunctional Household Is Typical…


Before Drug Addiction Treatment And Drug Rehab, A Dysfunctional Household Is Typical… – Before drug addiction treatment and drug rehab, our Medical Staff at Good Future Teen Rehab in Delray Beach FL, often finds a …


Treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder without addictive side effects

Filed under: drug addiction treatment in florida

A Florida State University researcher is making major strides on a new drug that could treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) without addictive side effects. "If we are successful, it will be the first safe ADHD drug on the market," said …
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How Do You Write a Thesis About Pedophilia?

Question by kim: How do you write a thesis about pedophilia?

Best answer:

Answer by wildan
Thesis About Pedophilia

Do You Think Antidepressants Are Good?

Question by Scottie: do you think antidepressants are good?
I dont have personal experience with taking them, so im not sure if they work as they are suppose to

Best answer:

Answer by Christo-fur
sure, if you want drugs to regulate your life…

Give your answer to this question below!



San Diego Drug Rehab Centers | San Diego Drug Rehab | San Diego Drug Rehab Centers – Drug, alcohol, and prescription drugs addiction is treated at San Diego Drug Rehab Centers’ residential facility in San Die…