side effect

Local Cheap Drug Addiction Rehab Facilities in Wisconsin 855 602 5102


Local Cheap Drug Addiction Rehab Facilities In Wisconsin 855 602 5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Cheap Drug Addiction Rehab Local in Wisconsin and Nationally…


Column: Doctor, first tell me what it costs

Filed under: drug treatment centers in massachusetts

After all, the financial burden of paying for medical care can cause more distress in patients' lives than many medical side effects, and patients can decide whether any of the downsides of treatment are justified by the benefits. Take, for example, a …
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What Do You Think About My Animal Testing Essay?

Question by Nahc: What do you think about my animal testing essay?
Im in grade 10 btw.
What do you think about my animal testing essay? What can I add or remove? Any changes?

Imagine living inside a locked closet without any control of your life. You can’t choose when and what you want to eat, or how you will spend your time. You can’t even decide when the lights go on and off. Think about spending your entire life like this, even though you have committed no crime. This is life for an animal in a laboratory. It is deprivation, isolation, and misery.

What Are the Various Side Effects of Methadone?

Question by arlyn r: What are the various side effects of methadone?
I know that this is used for the treatment of drug addiction or as a painkiller. However, I have also heard that there are a lot of side effects.

Best answer:

Answer by dania d
Methadone, when used properly, won’t produce life-threatening side effects. However it does have some and these are as follows:

* pruritus
* constipation
* nausea
* confusion
* respiratory depression
* sedation
* mood changes
* dry mouth
* difficulty urinating
* vision problems
* flushing
* stomach pain
* weight gain

What Would You Include in a Drug Abuse Powerpoint?

Question by XX: What would you include in a drug abuse powerpoint?
I’m doing a power point project for health and I need to know the general topics I should cover on drug abuse. I already have the effects of drug abuse and its effect on the brain.
Thanks xx

Best answer:

Answer by Sir
Wow. I have also done this project not long ago. What i included in my powerpoint was that what type of drugs are legal and what types aren’t, you can also compare some drugs. For example which of these drugs does more damage to your body and how it affects your body. One last thing is that, talk about around which age people start to using drugs, and how often.

Award Winning Drug Rehab Center in Texas (And Nationally) 1-855-602-5102


Award Winning Drug Rehab Center In Texas (And Nationally) 1-855-602-5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Award Winning Drug Rehab Centers in Texas and Nationally Awa…


Brain-eating amoeba rattles nerves in Louisiana parish

Filed under: drug treatment centers in texas

The image provided by the Center for Disease Control shows the Naegleria fowleri amoeba in the trophozoite stage. The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals on Thursday tried to dispel common “myths and rumors” about the amoeba Naegleria …
Read more on Las Vegas Review-Journal


Does Green Tea Help Treat Acne?

Question by ?Emily?: Does Green Tea Help treat acne?
Does Green tea really help reduce acne in conjunction with a good diet? Also, I have extremely oily skin. Is there any way to lessen the oiliness?

Best answer:

Answer by Tui
Green tea’s antioxidants have been shown to be highly beneficial to acne prevention. These antioxidants help your body to fight against free radicals that cause damage to cells and tissues in your body. Green tea therapy is less toxic and has fewer or no side effects as compare to other drug based products.

Oily Skin
7 Restoratives for a Happier Face