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Bradford Health Services – Continuing Care Program


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John Schwarz, Father Of String Theory, To Headline Medical Marijuana

Minnesota Channel – Meth : Shadow Across America


Minnesota Channel – Meth : Shadow Across America – The abuse and manufacture of methamphetamine (meth), a powerful stimulant drug, is changing the American landscape. Clandestine meth labs pollute everything they touch, and meth abuse too often leads to addiction. Learn about the far-reaching nature and extent of emerging meth problems from the perspective of law enforcement and treatment professionals. Listen as the experts discuss what meth is, the dangers of meth labs, meth addiction, and the solutions to this growing menace.


Rosenblum: Parents' pain helps shift prescription drug awareness

Marijuana Intervention and Addiction Help Video Pt 3


Marijuana Intervention and Addiction Help Video pt 3 – Learn how Interventions, Detox and Rehab Treatment Programs are all essential parts of a successful Marijuana Addiction Treatment.


QB Pachall finishes rehab, returns to TCU football

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Former TCU quarterback Casey Pachall has completed substance abuse rehabilitation and returned to the team. Coach Gary Patterson says Pachall took part in team meetings Sunday, a day … He was arrested on suspicion of drunken …
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How Can You Tell the Difference Between Addiction to Relationships or Addiction to the Person?

Question by megangorex: How can you tell the difference between addiction to relationships or addiction to the person?
I’m doing a project for school about addiction to relationships, and I’m going through a really hard break up right now. I almost think I might have an addiction to relationships, but I can’t tell if I’m addicted to the relationship or the person I was in one with. How can you tell?

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