side effects

HELP! I Have Kallmann Syndrome and Where Can I Find a Good Doctor?

Question by um….: HELP! I have Kallmann Syndrome and where can I find a good doctor?
I am 22 years old male who has Kallmann Syndrome, a very rare genetic disorder. I have experienced 3 very bad endocrinologists who knew little of my condition or the side effects of the drug they prescribe to me.
For example, the other day I was with my PRIMARY CARE doctor and was going to make another referral, and she asked me if I did any cholesterol tests because people taking testosterone will have higher cholesterol level. Guess what? This is the first time I ever heard of it. Nor did any of them order a test for me.
Also, my mother is studying for medical school (another specialty) and she was reading her book (the general knowledge book that all doctors have to learn) and the book says testosterone has multiple side effects. It didn’t say if you take too much, it is going to have side effects; it says this will have side effects. Guess what these “specialist” say? No, this is perfectly safe. I will be fine with the answer that these side effects are minimum, but their answers show that they knew nothing!!!
So, I am tired of getting bad doctors so can you tell me where/how can I find a good doctor who knew what he/she is doing?

What Addiction Is, Essentially:?

Question by Puddy: What Addiction is, Essentially:?
When you get right down to the very root of it, isn’t the HEART of all addictions Imbalance?

Meaning, a lack of moderation/excess? The neuro-physiological in the brains chemical re-wiring that occurs notwithstanding?

Both in the Deeper, Spiritual sense as well as medically speaking?

Best answer:

Answer by martin
no addiction is a weakness, people not wanting to face the reality of life , they cant cope so use escapism, like drink , drugs, etc to blot out feelings and memorys.

Lortab Problem (Addiction/symptoms)?

Question by bige4546: Lortab Problem (addiction/symptoms)?
I am 14 and i take lortabs illegaly (as a drug, for pshycoactive effects)

but whenever the effects wear off, i become very shaky, and i am very intolerable, its like i cant stand anything.

does anyone else take lortabs, and if so what are your symptoms.

PS i take 4 at a time

Best answer:

Answer by A.B.E.
I spent 6 years of my life addicted to those pills. The more you take the more the negative side effects take place. Depression, anxiety, nausea, the shakes etc. Please, please take it from me. Get off of these pills while you can! They will do nothing but ruin your life. Please trust me on this. Good luck and God bless!

Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse?

Question by prncessang228: signs of prescription drug abuse?
I have a 7 year old daughter that I was sharing joint custody of with my ex-husband up until 12-3
of this year.

on that date, my daughter came home stating her father had physically hit her on the back of the head (where she had 3 staples in to close up a cut she received after being pushed by a cousin at her uncle’s house on her dad’s side of the family) b/c he got angry at her for not sticking with a lie he had made up about her being sick so that I would come pick her up from his house instead of him having to take her to school. I currently have temporary full custody of my daughter due to an order of protection being passed. I also called CPS and filed a report.

How Do I Pas a Drug Test5 After Taking Xanax?

Question by Stephanie: how do i pas a drug test5 after taking xanax?
I go to a clinic and their tests are not cheap they can even tell me how many mg of something I took my test is 2 days away and I’ve been taking about 2mg of xanax a day for the past 5 days, due to high anxiety

Best answer:

Answer by eyecue_two
Xanax is not something that is tested for unless they are looking for it specifically.

Prescription Drugs Are Killing Twice as Many People via Overdose as Street Drugs

Question by bassdoc: Prescription drugs are killing twice as many people via overdose as street drugs
This is true in Miami, a city well known for illicit drugs, and certainly sure for the entire country probably at a higher rate.
What can we do to educate people that you cant drug yourself into health or happiness.
Heath Ledger is dead, and now they are question Mary Kate about where he got the drugs from. Should she be in prison.

Best answer:

Answer by “Big Guns Upstairs”
Goes to show that humans still find a way to kill themselves, no matter what you make illegal.