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substance abuse

Help for addiction.flv

Help for addiction.flv — We are a place where individuals can anonymously seek help for addiction, Help with Addiction, drug and alcohol addiction, Gambling, Alcohol, Substance abuse…

Kansas City Integrative Medicine

Kansas City Integrative Medicine — At Kansas City Integrative Medicine in Lenexa, Kansas, our behavioral health therapies can help resolve a wide range of issues, including substance abuse, de…

How I Can Report Drug Abuse to Someone Who Is Prescribed Drugs From the V.A. and Drinks Alcohol All Day?

Question by marta g: how i can report drug abuse to someone who is prescribed drugs from the V.A. and drinks alcohol all day?
My neighbor is legally declared mental. She has been on a rampage at our building. SHe has called children and familes on my family giving false accusations. I know she called bc she threaten me when we got into an arguement. SHe has been exchanging her meds with another disabled woman. So she is basically taking meds without doctor approval. She drink all day. She goes to the V.A. I feel worried that she could have a bad reaction to the pills she is taking, flip out and maybe kill us or someone else. There has to be something i can do.
No im not trying to get revenge. She is really dangerous and Im just trying to look out for my family.

What Are the Effects of Parental Substance Abuse on the Family?

Question by Sharysse F: what are the effects of parental substance abuse on the family?
how can it lead to child abuse, juvenile delinquency,financial difficulties and what problems do th family face as a result.

Best answer:

Answer by starlight_940
Drug addiction is a chronic, progressive disorder. It is characterized by cycles of abuse, decreased use, relapse and more abuse. For an addicted parent, the day revolves around the
need to procure and use the drug of choice, and then to recover from its affects. Important activities — familial, social, occupational — are given up or reduced because of the substance abuse. For these parents, the responsibility to protect and sustain their children is less important than the parent’s need for the euphoria produced by the drug.

Alcohol Treatment | Centerville Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline

Alcohol Treatment | Centerville Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline — Substance abuse isn’t just a serious problem in Centerville, OH. Thousands of people across Ohio suffer with a drug or alcohol addiction on a daily basis. Sa…

What Addiction Is, Essentially:?

Question by Puddy: What Addiction is, Essentially:?
When you get right down to the very root of it, isn’t the HEART of all addictions Imbalance?

Meaning, a lack of moderation/excess? The neuro-physiological in the brains chemical re-wiring that occurs notwithstanding?

Both in the Deeper, Spiritual sense as well as medically speaking?

Best answer:

Answer by martin
no addiction is a weakness, people not wanting to face the reality of life , they cant cope so use escapism, like drink , drugs, etc to blot out feelings and memorys.