treating addiction

Dr. Alan Downs Speaks About Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment for FRN- Pt. 1


Dr. Alan Downs speaks about Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment for FRN- pt. 1 – Dr. Alan Downs discusses ways we can strengthen our journey to recovery and speed up the healing process. For anyone who is in the process of self-healing – whether healing from addiction, heart ache, or illness – these tips will help guide your path.


Toughen law on imposed addictions treatment, mom says

Filed under: drug addiction treatments

Hawaii Rehab Graduate Overcomes Prescription Drug Addiction


Hawaii Rehab Graduate Overcomes Prescription Drug Addiction – Hawaii Island Recovery graduate describes her terrible ordeal with her prescription drug addiction. If you or someone you know has an addiction call 866-515-5032. Subscribe to our channel – Are you or a loved one suffering from addiction? Contact us directly or visit our our sites for additional information. Pinterest: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: LinkedIN: Flicker: ****Remember You Are Not A Bad Person That Needs To Be Good. You Are A Sick Person Who Needs To Get Better******


Drug Rehabs in California: Finding Drug Rehab in California for Women in Trouble

It has been estimated that half of all women between the ages of 15 and 44 will try drugs at least once in their lifetime. Many of these users will develop drug and alcohol addictions more rapidly than they would expect. With staggering numbers of drug and alcohol abuse cases rising each year, more women are in need of professional help to overcome their addictions. Proper and effective treatment for addicts grows more critical, as women often find it difficult to recover fully without the help of treatment centers.

Why Are There So Many Drug Rehabs and Treatment Centers in Florida?

Question by adilene d: Why are there so many drug rehabs and treatment centers in Florida?
I’ve heard that these are even the best in the country. I was just wondering why, and why in Florida, of all the states.

Best answer:

Answer by destinee d
Florida is permeated with a lot of drug rehabs and drug treatment centers due to the fact that lots of types of drugs are present in that state. The common types of drugs that perpetuate Florida are: ecstasy, cocaine, heroin, and club drugs, among others. Because Florida possesses these drugs in alarming numbers, the government made it a point to build drug treatment centers that aim to be of help to the individuals who happen to be addicted. That way, these people can get their life back and steer themselves away from further drug usage.

Should Drug Addicts Be Charged for Murder if Their Child Is Stillborn?

Question by Miss Verlaine: Should drug addicts be charged for murder if their child is stillborn?
In South Carolina, a woman was sentenced to 12 years in prision for homicide by child abuse.

–homeless drug addict with IQ of 72
–was using cocaine at 8.5 months
–addicted to cocaine, and no drug-treatment options available to her

Please consider both sides before answering….what do you think? What are your reasons?
Assume that yes, it was the cocaine that lead to the death of the fetus
I hate throwing in my opinion, because I don’t want to bias the answers….but think about it

I Am Looking for Information on How Drug Addiction Treatments in Sullivan, Maine Work.?

Question by arlyn r: I am looking for information on how drug addiction treatments in Sullivan, Maine work.?
I’m working on a TV-movie script about the life of a drug rehab patient. I think it will be more realistic if I include some information about drug treatment programs and how they are conducted. I hope you can help me.

Best answer:

Answer by crazychic
u mean drug “deaddiction” treatments?? 🙂
Sorry no clue

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Celebrity Overdoses: Deaths Highlight Prescription Drug Epidemic

Filed under: drug addiction treatments