The Abuse of Legal Drugs / Educational Documentary Video


The Abuse of Legal Drugs / Educational Documentary Video – From the public domain. Some of the biggest drug threats out there are right in your own home. While use of illicit drugs is declining, abuse of prescription…


Keeping attention on addiction

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

He noted it is important to involve the business and professional community in the city in efforts to help raise awareness and money to support efforts at combating prescription drug addiction, in DFC or elsewhere. “We're looking to invite people who …
Read more on Wawatay News


Prescription painkiller overdoses a growing epidemic with many Hoosier victims

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

Her abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs spanned 10 years. The mother of two has now been sober for 90 days. She sought help at Fairbanks, an Indianapolis rehabilitation center. “I had a pretty good life and addiction grabbed a hold of me. It can …
Read more on Fox 59


18 US women died every day from prescription drug abuse in 2010, feds say

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

Women are more likely to abuse prescription drugs because they are more likely to suffer with chronic pain. They also are more likely to be given higher doses, use them for longer periods of time, and engage in "doctor shopping," or seeking …
Read more on Hunterdon County Democrat –


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8 Responses to The Abuse of Legal Drugs / Educational Documentary Video

  • nztokoroa says:

    these drugs are dangerous, lots in NZ didn’t know? what it was and some thought that it would be safe because its legal sad many are finding out the hard way these drugs they are poisonous! Side effects

    Severe agitation and anxiety

    Fast, racing heartbeat and higher blood pressure

    Nausea and vomiting

    Muscle spasms, seizures, and tremors

    Intense hallucinations and psychotic episodes

    Suicidal and other harmful thoughts and/or actions

    Source: American Association of Poison Control Centers

  • nztokoroa says:

    I know of two adults who have had their lives screwed up because of their addiction to K2 – luckily with help from the mental health? services and their families, they’re on the mend.

  • Kenya Renee says:

    Family secrets of addiction. Please support the upcoming 2013 recovery film for women and girls. “Deacon’s Choice” is a parallel trickle effect? story of the life of an ex-Chicago politician and his daughters? roller coaster journey through addiction. The intensity is just as stimulating as “Requiem for a Dream” & “Precious” yet its cultured like the movie “Fire Proof.” Visit us online at deaconschoice. Written by Kenya Renee & Dan Hoger. Directed by Parris Reaves

  • kenya sibley says:

    Hello, Please read! My Name is Kenya Starr Sibley and I’m from Chicago. I want you to receive a copy of my book titled “DOCTORS” The New Face of Drug Dealers. I’m also hoping to be helpful to you and your family and/or friends. I hope to eventually to talk in the public sector about why I wrote a book so controversial, and to get feedback from? all of you whom have read my book. A voice other than mines is needed to address the prescription pill death related epidemic.

  • Ricson Casido says:

    better to follow? doctors advice

  • Gianhs Konstantakatos says:


  • Gianhs Konstantakatos says:


  • Gianhs Konstantakatos says:

    with a prescripsion or not they are narkotic sabstanses and? i woud prefer puar heroine if i was an thiking addict

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