Uams Substance Abuse Treatment Program


uams treatment program – This is a psycho-educational addiction and psychological health recovery method available 24/7. It’s got tools regardless of whether that you are normally th…


Senators Press Medicare for Answers on Drug Program

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Known as Part D, the program provides coverage to 36 million seniors and disabled people. It cost taxpayers $ 62 billion last year. ProPublica has spent the past year examining Medicare's oversight of Part D. It found that Medicare doesn't analyze its …
Read more on ValueWalk


Gene tests raise murky medical issues

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Variations from the normal pattern of nucleotides can signal that a person is likely to develop a certain disease later in life, or is a carrier who could pass a health problem on to a child. But the tests remain expensive and … The challenge of …
Read more on Boston Globe


Medicare to Cover More Mental Health Costs

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

… conditions have received unequal treatment under Medicare. The program paid a smaller share of the bill for therapy from psychiatrists, psychologists or clinical social workers than it did for medical services. … it covered 65 percent. The …
Read more on New York Times (blog)


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