What Are Some Ways to Help Another Overcome an Addiction?

Question by Enjoy It.: What are some ways to help another overcome an addiction?
I would really like to help somebody to overcome a drug addiction. Though she is so far in, im not quite sure where to start.

So do you have any tips for helping somebody to do so, please?

*Hugs to you all :)*

Best answer:

Answer by Elliott M
a hug wont do it. they first of all themselves must recognize the addiction then want to overcome it.it is more complex than you are ready for if the facts that you have all edged is true. ggod luck but you may complicate matters worse. the biggest help you could is convincing them to a forum of Professional that addressee this problem or you could be in for the biigest let down failure of your life with very dangerous overtones

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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4 Responses to What Are Some Ways to Help Another Overcome an Addiction?

  • mush says:

    judging by your picture i see you are quite younger and seeing as you have to ask this question i think it can’t be properly answered. wether you like it or not it is benificial for her to involve a parent. you are doing the right thing by trying to stop it now rather than later and are a true friend for wanting to help her and by looking out for her.

  • vanhammer says:

    Unfortunately, the only person who can begin the process of recovery is the addict themselves. The first step to overcoming an addiction is admitting they have a problem. The one thing you can do is to talk to your friend about how worried you are about her and that you want to help, so when she’s ready you will be there with her all the way. I’m sure you’ve probably already done this. The terrible thing about addiction is that the addicted person doesn’t see what we see in them. They are trying to escape something. My wife and I tried so hard to help her nephew and we talked to him, tried to go to AA meetings with him, sat with him when he was a mess & told him that he was too important to us to lose him. He did finally end up in rehab for a week, but never followed through with treatment and is still fighting the addiction today. No one can fix them other than themselves. It is very sad and hurtful and it makes people like us feel helpless. Be her friend & do the best you can to talk to her about her worth and her potential along with what you see the drugs doing to her. Be prepared for any response. If you can gather friends and family you may be able to do an intervention but that is extremely difficult. You & your friend will be in my prayers and I wish you the best of luck. You are a good friend!

  • Juefawn. says:

    You have to start with the core of the problem, Thought.
    1.You can’t quite anything unless you believe you can.
    When I was smoking, I couldn’t quit to save myself. Quiting sucked, but now I can breath better, and feel as good as I did when I was on the drug. What I did to quit was tell myself that cigarettes didn’t exist.
    2.Getting the addiction out of your head.

    If you are trying to get some one to stop doing (hard) drugs, you have to convince them that what they are doing is impairing every dream they will ever have.

  • thomashawk01 says:

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