What Are the Different Kinds of Drug Treatment Programs?

Question by dolores df: What are the different kinds of drug treatment programs?
I would just like to know what they’re called. Just out of curiosity, that is.

Best answer:

Answer by blair *
Well, it really depends upon the drug rehab or treatment center. I guess you’d have to contact them to know what kind of program they are offering. To appease your curiosity, though, here are some kinds of treatment programs: Narcotic Antagonist Treatment Using Naltrexone, Agonist Maintenance Treatments, Short-Term Residential Programs, Outpatient Drug-Free Treatment, Long-Term Residential Treatment, Medical Detoxification and Treating Criminal Justice-Involved Drug Abusers and Addicts.

I hope that helps. 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Outpatient Counseling for Drug Addiction | Rehab After Work | Turnersville, NJ (856) 302-7023 – Overcome your addiction through outpatient drug treatment programs. http://rehabafterwork.com/index.html Rehab After Work (RAW) is a licensed outpatient drug…


Mandated Mental Health Treatment Programs Save Money

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