What Are the Medically-Recognized Types of Addiction?

Question by grammar_cleopatra: What are the medically-recognized types of addiction?
Is there like an official medical list of the types of addictions (like , nicotine addiction, etc)? Or can anything at all become addictive?

Best answer:

Answer by sasu
Hello ,

Try this link it’s really very useful and has all addictions classified in alphabetical order .
Take care .

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug addiction in Russia


REVIEW ESSAY: My Belated Valentine's Day Message

Filed under: drug addiction articles

He likens the terrifying experience to the experience of withdrawal from drug addiction. As a matter of fact, he likens our attachments to all our old maladaptive learning and functioning to addictions — bad habits as it were. In other words, we are …
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Toward a Smarter Drug Policy

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Stories like this illustrate the kind of thinking needed to reform our nation's criminal justice and drug control policies. … Combining proven public health and public safety strategies will help break the vicious cycle of drug abuse, crime, and …
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“We need to make sure that health care practitioners have a clear understanding of how dangerous and addictive these substances are,” said Orman Hall of the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services. “They need to be more judicious in the …
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21 Responses to What Are the Medically-Recognized Types of Addiction?

  • di0mindset says:

    If you are interested in substance abuses check Wiki for it.

    I loved the article!

  • ChingXyooj says:

    the usa is probably in Afghanistan to test out their new weapons, not to stop drug traffickin.?

  • rockscorp says:

    how manny drugs users are there ?

  • lurdk says:

    the problem is that the troops leave the farmers to their growing of crops. THis begs the question of the whole war on drugs being conducted in the Unisted-States, since you would think they would be serious about it’s production, they would cut that in the country that generates 90% of the world’s supply. And yet we’ve seen the opposite, I’m a lowly little sheep citizen and I know this. I don’t have access to any advanced info networks.? This makes me wonder what people are thinking at the top

  • MagicMescalin says:

    DAYWALKER !!!! ?

  • gabriela123star says:

    What’s up with surface? dude?

  • sourmanofcoal says:

    Stop making a big deal out? of drug addiction. Let the druggies die, and stop complaining. Evolution.

  • elvis32z says:

    Your message comes from a good place and asks a simple question to a complex problem. The question is important, because it really should be this? simple of a solution. He really does have a point about the two nations having more in common than they think. Thanks for posting. Where did you live in the U.S.?

  • TheSpongion says:

    Before the U.S. invasion to Afghanistan only the Taliban controlled the drug crops and used to burn any other growing fields.
    After the invasion and since the current corrupt Afghan government came to power the production has multiplied many times and that regime’s just happy to harvest money from taxation that the growers are able to pay.

    Dear Russians, to stop this you have to take the matter into your own hands and assassinate the growers inside Afghanistan and regularly? burn their fields.

  • nomadtraveller100 says:

    I liked your video. From what I understand opuim is Afgahns biggest moneymaker and America doesn’t want to burn their crops. We wouldn’t want? to be blamed for making their economy worse. We can’t be the world police and solve all the worlds problems.

  • aandreya says:

    my modest opinion about america invading afghanistan is precisely drugs. they must get money somewhere to finance their war technology, so i think, usa is number one in suporting drug makers and weapon smuglers. i? see no other point of invading afghanistan and in holding on to the mexican ”war against drugs”. most of the money goes for the drugs not against them.

  • BlackHelicopterz says:

    he’s talking about american corruption? not afghan corruption

  • togoni says:

    If I were you, I would be more preoccupied with the mayors of Moscow or St. Petersburg than with mayor of Kabul.?

  • Sleepingplanet1 says:

    @lastboyscout30 good work man very sad stuff. Americans are very judgemental toward this kind of issue. Weve been deeply? programed to believe we are always on the moral high ground. You ask why would the problem get worse after afgahn ocupation? Because its a multi billion dollar market which you can hide all the money with relative ease and use to fund illegal operations elswhere. You seem like a good candidate to investigate this. However nothing good will come of it for you.

  • Sleepingplanet1 says:

    @burmf on surface yes you have to deal with your shit. However a major reason or benefit to afganastan for the cia pentagon is the heroin trade. Do you really think those? war criminals that run wall street are going to let a multi billion dollar industrie go because its the ” right thing to do” its very sad but all that money gets funneled into black opps programs that are done illegally. Just do a little research and youll soon realize this is very real and very illegal activity our gov. Is do

  • imre420 says:

    The mayor of Kabul is nothing more than NATO’s puppet. The Taliban may have been mysoginistic, wahhabists, but they kept heroin production low. After NATO invaded they gave the? Nothern Alliance warlords cart blanche to produce as much heroin as they wanted. The US government is complicit in the largest heroin operation in the world.

  • burfm says:

    Another note…..it saddens me that Russia has no Methadone or Suboxone programs. Suboxone has helped me tremendously, and I think it’s almost a violation of human rights to? deny heroin addicts these medications.

  • burfm says:

    The blame game is so easy to do when it comes to problems like drug addiction, but in reality it doesn’t accomplish anything. It’s the same all around the world, drugs destroy lives. I know this first hand. There’s no possible way to ever completely solve the problem, but I hope it gets better. I hate seeing anyone get trapped by? heroin whether they be Russian, American, or whatever. Good luck and health & happiness to all that seek it.

  • MasterSoki says:

    Instead of Russia hinting the blame should be placed? on Afghanistan , why dont they just put the FUCKING NEEDLE DOWN.

  • Brent Tingley says:

    did he say its only $20 for? 2 pounds of good pot?

  • togoni says:

    Russian I had to learn from my kindergarten. English, I started studying during my last three years? of high school and university. Also, studied in the USA for a year as an exchange student.
    You give too much credit to my English, anyway.

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