What Are the Three Most Common Among the 10 Grounds of Legal Separation in the Philippines?

Question by Noontime show: What are the three most common among the 10 grounds of legal separation in the Philippines?
Article 55 of the 1988 Family Code
* Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner;
* Physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner to change religious or political affiliation;
* Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance in such corruption or inducement;
* Final judgment sentencing the respondent to imprisonment of more than six years, even if pardoned;
* Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the respondent;
* Lesbianism or homosexuality of the respondent;
* Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or abroad;
* Sexual infidelity or perversion;
* Attempt by the respondent against the life of the petitioner; or
* Abandonment by respondent without justifiable cause for more than a year

Best answer:

Answer by MikeInRI
What is this question in the travel section?

My call it is the following:

Sexual Infidelity

Now that I said that because alot of coming out might be considered embarasing it may not be actual excuse people use for the divorce.

Good Luck!!!

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