What Are the Two Most Commonly Abused Psychoactive Drugs Among Teenagers?

Question by Kiyoko3112: What are the two most commonly abused psychoactive drugs among teenagers?
I’m doing a study and I need to know what the two most commonly abused psychoactive drugs abused among teenagers. I don’t totally trust websites because they might have gotten their information wrong. Still, when you give me your answer I’d prefer to know what website you got it from if you got it from a website at all.

Best answer:

Answer by jake k
One hundred percent sure.
Alcohol and Marijuana.
A psychoactive is defined as a chemical substance that exerts psychological effects including changes in mood, cognition, and behavior.
Alcohol and Marijuana are the cheapest and easiest to find, therefor the most abused.

What do you think? Answer below!



NARCONON Georgia prescription drug abuse among teenagers. – TheNarconon New Life Detoxification Program has resulted in astonishing improvements in students who consistently report: – Ability to think more clearly. – Improved memory and attention span. – Greater energy. – Increased awareness of surroundings. – Increased feeling of general well being. – Reduction or elimination of many symptoms associated with drug addiction, including depression, irritability and fatigue. – Enthusiasm towards life. With the Narconon Drug Rehab Program, stable recovery is achievable! Once past the physical cravings, through the Narconon New Life Detoxification program, the student develops life skills that will help in maintaining a productive, drug-free life. At Narconon developing a realistic and workable sense of personal ethics and responsibility is a vital part of this recovery. Personal addiction can be ended! Our statistics at narconon show that the majority of our narconon graduates have achieved this freedom. Narconon is a network of drug and alcohol treatment facilities located throughout the world. Narconon graduates go on to do very well in life. The skills they learn at narconon will help them lead happy healthy lives. If you or someone you know abuses OTC medication please call narconon at 1-877-413-3073 or visit narconon on the web at www.drugsno.com http


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