What Does a Person Do if They Are Depressed and Have No Insurance or a Doctor ?

Question by Peyton: What does a person do if they are depressed and have no insurance or a doctor ?

Best answer:

Answer by Simply_Sambo
There should be free or income based mental health facilities in your area. If you really need help or want to commit suicide then go to the hospital and tell them. The will get you help really quick or can refer you…GL

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Harmful Effects of Marijuana Use on Mental Health Video 02 – Harmful Effects of Marijuana Use on Mental Health Video 02. ONDCP Press Conference: Marijuana and Your Teen’s Mental Health. When: 5/3/2005. Sponsor: SAMHSA/…


How to Kill Pain, Not the Patient

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"The ministry of Health is working on a comprehensive plan to roll out the use of Morphine in all the districts and currently, 107 clinicians and nurses have been trained to prescribe the drug," the minister of state for Primary Health Care, Sarah …
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Cancer treatment R&D is outpacing the search for new heart drugs, doctors want

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"But there are still some big areas where we need progress, including acute heart failure, which is a growing problem because of an ageing population." To some extent, cardiology is a victim of its own success. By any … What the cardiovascular field …
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