What Effect Does Alcohol and Drug Abuse Have on Teenagers?

Question by : What effect does alcohol and drug abuse have on teenagers?
Consider the ways that alcohol and other drugs abuse affect the teenagers

Best answer:

Answer by ceko
basically drop in school performances, grades, and unable to pay attention to certain matters, or think rationally….

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Actually, pot may not lower IQ after all

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

Dr. Norma Volkow, director of the less-than-progressive National Institute on Drug Abuse, grudgingly admits that Rogenberg's findings “look sound”—though she points out that socioeconomic factors aren't yet proven to be the cause of the IQ variations …
Read more on Salon


Jose Rosado: Gun violence in America results from complex factors

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

Among these factors are the drug culture (drug abuse and the war on drugs), the gang culture (mafia-style street gangs, drug gangs, hate groups, etc.) … He is also the author of "Being Good At Being Bad: Troubled Teenagers, Factors and Solutions …
Read more on Allentown Morning Call


Program on human trafficking slated for Wednesday

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

The law also calls for the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to work to provide support services, including housing, health care, child care, substance abuse counseling, career assistance and legal assistance to the victims of human …
Read more on Daily Local News