What Is a Good Attention Grabbing Speech Ending for Teen Drug Abuse?

Question by chica: What is a good attention grabbing speech ending for teen drug abuse?
can anyone give me a really good ending to a teen drug abuse speech that will definitely make people actually care

Best answer:

Answer by ?
“CRACK IS WACK!” – Whitney Houston, a timeless classic.
Or “DONT SMOKE WEED KIDS”-Britney Spears, another classic.

Or Just show them a graphic slideshow of what drug users look like, then end it by saying something like you dont want to end up like this etc. etc.

What do you think? Answer below!



WAKE UP! Campaign Against Teen Prescription Drug Abuse – Illegal street drugs get a lot of attention, but over the past ten years, abuse of has become a growing problem, especially among teenagers. Prescription drugs are now the leading cause of accidental death in San Diego, and one in five teens report abusing prescription drugs. KPBS video journalist Katie Euphrat went to San Diego High this morning, where a non-profit group launched its national campaign against what the Centers for Disease Control has deemed an epidemic.


From Twitter:

RT @NewsNug: Study finds medical marijuana has no impact on teen drug abuse (cont) http://t.co/VHuxrzJL – by freetarian (freetarian)


From Twitter:

RT @NewsNug: Study finds medical marijuana has no impact on teen drug abuse (cont) http://t.co/3RpLQm0M – by ValVenisEnt (Sean Morley)


From Twitter:

RT @NewsNug: RT @NewsNug: Study finds medical marijuana has no impact on teen drug abuse http://t.co/RZSo9zG1 (via @MediThrive) – by CoralReefer420 (Coral Reefer)


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