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What Is the Sanest… City in the U.S. …State in the U.S. …City in the World …Country in the World?

Question by DIYguy: What is the sanest… city in the U.S. …state in the U.S. …city in the world …country in the world?
Or are they just all about the same, when it comes to sanity?

Here are some examples of what I mean by “sanity”, in the context of the question:

1) Less prone to sacrifice sleep and personal creativity (among other things), for love of money and love of other forms of stimulation.

2) Less prone to the worst of the debilitating addictions [see note at end].

3) More likely to develop belief systems and world views from personal observation and personal experience — and less likely to accept-without-question the carefully-crafted “News” delivered by large corporations, or the manipulative “Guidance” dictated/imposed by religious “Authorities”.

4) More likely to trust (as opposed to fear) your neighbors.

5) More likely to speak out quickly and loudly against injustice — but less likely to resort to personal insults — and slow to resort to force and violence to solve problems.

6) A relative love of DIVERSITY of races, cultures, religions, attitudes, etc — and a relative dislike of UNIFORMITY.


[Note: IMHO, the most debilitating addictions come in two flavors —

a) The addiction of the Left: Always expecting someone else (or something else) to solve all your problems when you could/should be solving them, and

b) The addiction of the Right: Always denying your responsibility to assist others in genuine need, to respect the Earth/Nature/All-Living-Things, and to assist the 7th generation.]


BTW, what category does my question belong in??

Thanks for your answers!

Best answer:

Answer by AKchem
A small town

Answer by Maverick
pick a small town in the midwest
IOWA, Kansas, Missouri, No Dak, So, Dak area

Jane’s Addiction FRONT ROW 3/16/2012 KC,MO Uptown Theatre — Recorded on March 16, 2012 using a Flip Video camera.