Why Did Jesus Need to Save People From an Eternal Hell When According to His Faith It Doesn’t Exist?

Question by Alison in Wonderland: Why did Jesus need to save people from an eternal hell when according to his faith it doesn’t exist?
Eternal suffering is a Christian concept and since Christianity didn’t exist till after Jesus died, somehow his supposed self righteous suicide doesn’t seem to line up.

Best answer:

Answer by Jesus or Hellfire
The fullness of Hell was not revealed.
The dead go to Sheol, when the FINAL JUDGEMENT happens, it will be tossed into the Lake of Fire, where the reprobates will burn forever.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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6 Responses to Why Did Jesus Need to Save People From an Eternal Hell When According to His Faith It Doesn’t Exist?

  • Flying Above the Lotus says:

    Jesus saves from destruction which we deserve.

    Those who accept Jesus’ sacrifice as appropriations for their sins then he also took the dues of our sins by laying down his life. All sin of those who accept him and confess their sins, WERE ALREADY (you get a sense of timelessness here and the foreknowledge of the Spirit) laid upon him and he who knew no sin became sin and he who knew no curse became a accursed. Have mercy on Jesus by stop practicing sin. Jesus was born knowing our loving Father and always called God, Father but on the cross Jesus said ” my god my god why has thou forsaken me?” in which he called God, as God but not Father. Why you might ask? Well because of the sin placed upon Jesus the Father could not look on him because he cannot look upon sin and therefore the intimacy was broken between them, and Jesus took that broken intimacy (our broken intimacy) to Sheol and left it there and now all those who accept him he gave the ability to become sons of God and have a open path to intimacy with the Father just like Jesus has. The creation anxiously awaits the revelation of the sons of God the peacemakers not war makers. It is through Jesus the firstborn that you can come to the knowledge of God as your loving Father who is the Imageless Spirit of Life. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Jesus (the Word) teaches us how to humble the time created and therefore illusion oriented self identity and therefore we reflect the Truth, the Imageless Spirit our Loving Father. The actual humbling though is left up to us alone.

  • Kenneth says:

    The concept of hell was stolen from the greek myth of hades.

    Pluto is Satan and Hades is hell.

  • Kenny says:

    Short list of atrocities by Xtians.

    * March 10, 1993: Dr. David Gunn of Pensacola, Florida was fatally shot during a protest. He had been the subject of wanted-style posters distributed by Operation Rescue in the summer of the year before. Michael F. Griffin was found guilty of Dr. Gunn’s murder and was sentenced to life in prison.
    * June 29, 1994: Dr. John Britton and James Barrett, a clinic escort, were both shot to death outside of another facility in Pensacola. Rev. Paul Jennings Hill was charged with the killings, received a death sentence, and was executed September 3, 2003.
    * December 30, 1994: Two receptionists, Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, were killed in two clinic attacks in Brookline, Massachusetts. John Salvi, who prior to his arrest was distributing pamphlets from Human Life International,[6] was arrested and confessed to the killings. He committed suicide in prison and guards found his body under his bed with a plastic garbage bag tied around his head. Salvi had also confessed to a non-lethal attack in Norfolk, Virginia days before the Brookline killings.
    * January 29, 1998: Robert Sanderson, an off-duty police officer who worked as a security guard at an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, was killed when his workplace was bombed. Eric Robert Rudolph, who was also responsible for the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing, was charged with the crime and received two life sentences as a result.
    * October 23, 1998: Dr. Barnett Slepian was shot to death at his home in Amherst, New York. His was the last in a series of similar shootings against providers in Canada and northern New York state which were all likely committed by James Kopp. Kopp was convicted of Dr. Slepian’s murder after finally being apprehended in France in 2001.
    Attempted murder, assault, and threats
    * August 19, 1993: Dr. George Tiller was shot outside of an abortion facility in Wichita, Kansas. Shelley Shannon was charged with the crime and received an 11-year prison sentence.
    * June 29, 1994: June Barret was shot in the same attack which claimed the lives of James Barrett, her husband, and Dr. John Britton.
    * December 30, 1994: Five individuals were wounded in the same-day shootings which killed Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols.
    * December 18, 1996: Dr. Calvin Jackson of New Orleans, Louisiana was stabbed 15 times, losing 4 pints of blood. Donald Cooper was charged with second-degree attempted murder and sentenced to 20 years.
    * October 28, 1997: A physician whose name has not been revealed was shot in his home in Rochester, New York.
    * January 29, 1998: Emily Lyons, a nurse, was severely injured in the bombing which also killed Robert Sanderson.
    * September 11, 2006 David McMenemy attempted a suicide bombing of a women’s clinic in Davenport, Iowa after scouting targets throughout the Midwest. It was later revealed that the targeted clinic did not perform or make referrals for abortions.
    Arson, bombing, and property crimes
    * October 1999: Martin Uphoff set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, causing US$ 100 worth of damage. He was later sentenced to 60 months in prison.
    * May 28, 2000: An arson at a clinic in Concord, New Hampshire on resulted in damage estimated at US$ 20,000.
    * October 1, 2000: A Catholic priest drove his car into the Northern Illinois Health Clinic after learning that the FDA had approved the drug RU-486. He pulled out an ax before being shot at by a security guard.
    * June 11, 2001: A bombing at a clinic in Tacoma, Washington on destroyed a wall, resulting in US$ 6000 in damages
    * July 4, 2005: A clinic Palm Beach, Florida was the target of an arson.
    * December 12, 2005: Patricia Hughes and Jeremy Dunahoe threw a Molotov cocktail at a clinic in Shreveport, Louisiana. The device missed the building and no damage was caused. In August 2006, Hughes was sentenced to six years in prison, and Dunahoe to one year.
    * September 13, 2006 David McMenemy of Rochester Hills, Michigan crashed his car into the Edgerton Women’s Care Center in Davenport, Iowa. He then doused the lobby in gasoline and then started a fire. McMenemy committed these acts in the belief that the center was performing abortions, however Edgerton is not an abortion clinic.
    * April 25, 2007: A package left at a women’s health clinic in Austin, Texas contained an explosive device capable of inflicting serious injury or death. A bomb squad detonated the device.
    * May 9, 2007: An unidentified person deliberately set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
    * December 6, 2007: Two unidentified persons set fire to a Planned Parenthood clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  • angel says:

    Jesus spoke of Hell during His life, so it didn’t just happen after His death. The afterlife is spoken about in the Old Testament. Abraham’s bosom was a place for the dead. When Moses died God told him he would soon be with his fathers. The act of animal sacrifice was a temporary way for a person to receive forgiveness of sins. This sacrifice in the Old Testament was a foreshadowing of the sacrifice Christ would make for mankind. The first followers of Jesus were Jews and they believed in all that Jesus taught. In the OT there are many verses that speak of Hades, Psalm 88 is a pretty good description of such a place. Just because some people don’t believe in Hell just proves that they need to go back and check out the Bible.

  • Jt Loe says:

    Jesus spoke of hell more than any other person in the bible. hell aligned up exactly with is faith.

  • godless says:

    The mythical Jesus Christ created the idea of eternal torment. Christians say that Jesus loves us, yet he will torture us forever if we didn’t say or think the right magic words. That’s not love; it’s extortion.

    Christianity is a cult that emphasizes a story about what happens after we die — whether we end up happy forever or tortured forever. The mythical story of Jesus’ crucifixion is a horrible, sadistic story of human sacrifice. Christians even celebrate it by ceremoniously drinking his blood and eating his body. This is ritual vampirism and cannibalism.

    The idea of blood sacrifice for vicarious atonement (i.e. the mythical Jesus dying for other people’s sins) is immoral — punishing the innocent to free the guilty. But, it’s good marketing.

    All reliable evidence points to Jesus Christ being just a myth. There is no reliable evidence that Jesus even existed, and significant evidence that he didn’t. The evidence is in the Bible, the other religions of the time, and the lack of writings about Jesus by historians of the time.

    The story of Jesus can be shown to be just a myth created to fulfill prophesy, cobbled together out of stories from the Old Testament and previous gods and myths — created in the 40’s and 50’s by Paul of Tarsus (who exhibited symptoms of epilepsy and had delusions of Christ talking to him), the other apostles, the unknown authors of the gospels in the 70’s or later, and many other people. The reliable evidence for this is overwhelming. For the evidence, see the links.

    “The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell.”
    — Bertrand Russell

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